This is the initial release of the Steam Game Data project, which allows users to fetch and save game data from the Steam API. It includes implementations for both Python (pip version) and JavaScript (npm version).
Python Version (Pip)
- **Data Fetching**: Users can pull game data from the Steam API using the app ID.
- **Data Saving**: Fetched data can be saved in a JSON format using the `steamgamedata` package.
JavaScript Version (NPM)
- **Data Fetching**: Similar functionality for fetching game data from the Steam API using the app ID.
- **Data Saving**: Ability to save the fetched data in a JSON format.
Project Structure
- The project is organized into two main directories: `pip/` for the Python version and `npm/` for the JavaScript version.
- The npm version includes a `node_modules` directory for dependencies and a `package-lock.json` file for locking the package versions.
Python Version
To install the Python package, navigate to the `pip` directory and run:
pip install .
JavaScript Version
To install the JavaScript package, navigate to the `npm` directory and run:
npm install
Additional Information
For detailed usage instructions, please refer to the README file in the project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/iamnotmega/steamgamedata/commits/1.0