* `extract_stig` function to extract the manual stig from a STIG ZIP.
* `convert_stig` function to convert a STIG ZIP to a STIG JSON file.
* `generate-ckl` function to generate a blank checklist object based upon the STIG passed to it.
* `generate_ckl_file` function to generate a blank checklist based upon a checklist object passed to it.
* Additional fields to STIG JSON object;
* VulnID
* RuleID
* StigID
* Severity
* Cat
* GroupTitle
* RuleTitle
* Description
* FalsePositives
* FalseNegatives
* Documentable
* Mitigations
* SeverityOverrideGuidance
* PotentialImpacts
* ThirdPartyTools
* MitigationControl
* Responsibility
* IAControls
* CheckText
* Standardized Variable Names.
* Standardized JSON output Variables.