Fix for Issue 40, I missed escaping the "\*" in the re.sub statement on line 790 while refactoring code .
python2 --version;python2 ./ --predict -d tests/fastqs -P neisseria/nmb --coverage --config neisseria/nmb_config.txt; python3 --version; python3 ./ --predict -d tests/fastqs -P neisseria/nmb --coverage --config neisseria/nmb_config.txt
Python 2.7.11
Sample abcZ adk aroE fumC gdh pdhC pgm ST
ERR027250 581 (100.00) 408 (99.35) 655 (91.63) 602 (92.47) 633 (99.60) 612 (100.00) 632 (97.33) 10252
ERR026529 231 (100.00) 180 (100.00) 306 (100.00) 612 (100.00) 269 (100.00) 277 (100.00) 260 (99.78) 10174
ERR036104 2 (100.00) 3 (100.00) 4 (100.00) 3 (100.00) 8 (100.00) 4 (100.00) 6 (100.00) 11
Python 3.6.3 :: Anaconda custom (64-bit)
Sample abcZ adk aroE fumC gdh pdhC pgm ST
ERR026529 231 (100.00) 180 (100.00) 306 (100.00) 612 (100.00) 269 (100.00) 277 (100.00) 260 (99.78) 10174
ERR027250 581 (100.00) 408 (99.35) 655 (91.63) 602 (92.47) 633 (99.60) 612 (100.00) 632 (97.33) 10252
ERR036104 2 (100.00) 3 (100.00) 4 (100.00) 3 (100.00) 8 (100.00) 4 (100.00) 6 (100.00) 11