1. Renamed program to StyleMapper to better align with what the program does, and will do in the future
2. Fixed recursive function in `validate_paths.py` to return correct list of all HTML files in a folder.
Tuesday 17th September 2024
Pre-release Version 0.0.4 - "Refactoring RedundantCSS"
1. Major refactor of code into dedicated functions and classes
- Main body of `redundantcss.py` is now 1 if/elif/else statement
- Created multiple new modules with dedicated functions for increased modulation and flexibility across programm
- Created `beautify.py`, `compare.py`, `read_args.py`, `set_argparse.py`, `usage.py`, and `validate_paths.py`
- Deleted `read_paths.py`, `validate_args.py`, and `helpers.py`
- Began using 'tabulate' package to present output in terminal.
- Created HTMLInfo, CSSInfo, and Compare
2. Added reliability on 'argparse' library for more powerful command line arguments
- Added path verification and file validation into custom classes created in argparse
- Removed barebones argument parsing that used sys.argv to parse arguments.
- Created '--getcss' with GetCSSInfo class
- Program ignores classes with additional selectors, pseudo-elements, and psuedo-classes
- Created '--gethtml' with GetHTMLInfo class
- Created '--compare' with CheckComparisonPaths class
- Compare only accepts 1 stylesheet path, and 1 folder path containing HTML files
3. Re-created tests for three major files within helpers/ that `redundantcss.py `relies on. `compare.py`, `read_args.py`, and `validate_paths.py`.
4. Added more notes, documentation, and docstrings into program.
5. Updated `README.md`