Short description of the change and how it benefits the user
- Enables the showing of a progress bar with rich.progress for tracking the pushed Docker layers
Checks whether the Docker daemon is running when creating a Docker client, raising an error otherwise
- Local modules imported from the model file were not imported from the seldon-core-microservice. This change addresses the problem
- Fixed port allocation to allow local testing of K8S containers using AI SDK functions.
- Documentation: Python notebook for AI changes.
- New `prediction view` CLI command.
- Allow DP to implement its own metric calculation logic and provides endpoints for other services.
- Enable explicit model lineage between model versions by having a shared root_id. Allows querying a sorted list by version.
- Add support for showing prediction exceptions and extended timestamps
Long description for major new features
Prediction CLI
New `prediction view` command:
$ superai ai prediction view cfa58bcf-679a-4934-9143-de424a233c09
'id': 'cfa58bcf-679a-4934-9143-de424a233c09',
'state': 'COMPLETED',
'createdAt': '2022-01-14T15:18:29.336142+00:00',
'model': {'id': 'ea3d1cc0-bc87-4140-b164-539cd78d24f1', 'name': 'visa_merchant_bert_matcher', 'version': 5},
'instances': [
{'id': 0, 'output': {'label': 'CIRCLE', 'score': 0.6789388656616211}, 'score': 0.678938865661621},
{'id': 1, 'output': {'label': 'CIRCLE K', 'score': 0.6621372699737549}, 'score': 0.662137269973755},
{'id': 2, 'output': {'label': 'CIRCLE CRAFT', 'score': 0.5772594213485718}, 'score': 0.577259421348572},
{'id': 3, 'output': {'label': 'FULL CIRCLE', 'score': 0.5494794845581055}, 'score': 0.549479484558105},
{'id': 4, 'output': {'label': 'RING CENTRAL', 'score': 0.5052887201309204}, 'score': 0.50528872013092},
{'id': 5, 'output': {'label': 'YELLOW CARD SERVICES', 'score': 0.49029654264450073}, 'score': 0.490296542644501},
{'id': 6, 'output': {'label': 'CIRCLE K SUNKUS', 'score': 0.48903560638427734}, 'score': 0.489035606384277},
{'id': 7, 'output': {'label': 'GATEWAY', 'score': 0.4817895293235779}, 'score': 0.481789529323578},
{'id': 8, 'output': {'label': '91 EXPRESS LANES', 'score': 0.4658350348472595}, 'score': 0.46583503484726},
{'id': 9, 'output': {'label': 'HK EXPRESS', 'score': 0.45856574177742004}, 'score': 0.45856574177742}
Existing `deployment predict` command:
$ superai ai deployment predict ea3d1cc0-bc87-4140-b164-539cd78d24f1 --timeout 20 '{
"merchant_name": "CIRCLE 7 EXPRESS",
"line_of_business": "SERVICE STATIONS",
"city": "Rio Grande City",
"state": "TX",
"zipcode": 78582
[01/17/22 11:10:42] INFO Submitted prediction request with id: 60102ada-57f0-447c-a93a-72a1c9c1a9be - MainThread
[01/17/22 11:10:50] INFO Prediction 60102ada-57f0-447c-a93a-72a1c9c1a9be completed with state=meta_ai_prediction(state=COMPLETED) - MainThread
({'label': 'CIRCLE', 'score': 0.6789388656616211}, 0.678938865661621),
({'label': 'CIRCLE K', 'score': 0.6621372699737549}, 0.662137269973755),
({'label': 'CIRCLE CRAFT', 'score': 0.5772594213485718}, 0.577259421348572),
({'label': 'FULL CIRCLE', 'score': 0.5494794845581055}, 0.549479484558105),
({'label': 'RING CENTRAL', 'score': 0.5052887201309204}, 0.50528872013092),
({'label': 'YELLOW CARD SERVICES', 'score': 0.49029654264450073}, 0.490296542644501),
({'label': 'CIRCLE K SUNKUS', 'score': 0.48903560638427734}, 0.489035606384277),
({'label': 'GATEWAY', 'score': 0.4817895293235779}, 0.481789529323578),
({'label': '91 EXPRESS LANES', 'score': 0.4658350348472595}, 0.46583503484726),
({'label': 'HK EXPRESS', 'score': 0.45856574177742004}, 0.45856574177742)
Model Lineage
client= Client()
Create a new model
parent_id = client.add_model(name="my_model", version=1)
Create child model with parent_id as root_id
child_id = client.add_model(name="my_model", version=2, root_id=parent_id)
Get the latest model in a lineage
latest_model = client.get_latest_model(parent_id)
Get the root model in a lineage
root_model = client.get_root_model(child_id)
List all models in a lineage
models_in_lineage = client.list_model_versions(child_id, sort_by_version=True)
View Prediction exceptions
superai ai deployment predict ea3d1cc0-bc87-4140-b164-539cd78d24f1 --timeout 30 '{
"line_of_business": "SERVICE STATIONS",
"city": "Rio Grande City",
"state": "TX",
"zipcode": 78582
[01/28/22 10:42:19] INFO Submitted prediction request with id: 082c6fc0-0dbf-4ac8-986f-3d760a0c068e -
[01/28/22 10:42:21] WARNING Prediction failed while waiting for completion:
ModelError: An error occurred (ModelError) when calling the InvokeEndpoint operation: Received server error (503) from primary with message "{
"code": 503,
"type": "InternalServerException",
"message": "Prediction failed"
". See in account 185169359328 for more information.
Prediction failed. Check the logs for more information.