- `opensearch2elvis`: a program to generate elvi for OpenSearch-enabled
- Dependency on `lxml` because of `opensearch2elvis`.
- Repeatable `--verbose` and `--quiet` options for `mkelvis` and
- `--no-append-mappings` option for `mkelvis`: take control of how the search
URL gets its query string params.
- URLs *with* or *without* a scheme are now allowed for `mkelvis`. Both URLs
must have the *same* scheme or both have *no* scheme.
- Some checks for "impossible" option combinations for `mkelvis` were removed.
The defaults are safe and the advanced user should know what they're doing.
- Use `$it` instead of `$_` for implicit variables. Bash and other shells do
special things with `$_`, so this is the next best name.
- The repo now uses the name `surfraw-tools`:
- Documentation now available at
- Disabled globbing when working with "list" variables in generated elvi. This
caused directory contents to be exposed if a `*` character appeared in