* Dropping Python 2 support in v1.4
* NEW: easy stylesheet embedding: `Drawing.embed_stylesheet(content)`, see example `using_fonts.py <https://github.com/mozman/svgwrite/blob/9d509fe1842e519b8d8475f83543a7589b7c1879/examples/using_fonts.py#L21>`_
* NEW: embedded local fonts: `Drawing.embed_font(fontname, filename)`, see example using_fonts.py
* NEW: embedded web fonts: `Drawing.embed_google_web_font(fontname, uri)`, see example using_fonts.py
* NEW: shapes extension by `Christof Hanke <https://www.induhviduals.de/>`_
* NEW: for write(), save() and saveas(), indentation for pretty print is configurable by `Mitar <http://mitar.tnode.com/>`_
* BUGFIX: converted regex strings in tests to raw strings by `tirkarthi <http://tirkarthi.github.io/>`_