What's Changed
* Fix incorrect behavior of "arrow_3d".
What's Changed
* User can now specify an existing figure over which symbolic expressions will be plotted. Just use the ``ax=`` or ``fig=`` keyword argument.
* Added ``arrow_3d`` to ``spb.graphics.vectors`` in order to plot a single arrow in a three-dimensional space.
* Enhanced capabilities of line plots with the ``steps`` keyword argument. Possible values are ``"pre", "post", "mid"``, mimicking Matplotlib's ``step`` function.
* New features on the ``spb.graphics.control`` sub-module:
* It now depends on the [python-control module](https://python-control.readthedocs.io/). This dependency allows the implementation of new plotting functions and to seamlessly deal with transfer functions from ``sympy``, ``control`` and
``scipy.signal``, supporting both continous-time and discrete-time systems.
* Added support for MIMO systems.
* Created ``sgrid, zgrid, ngrid, mcircles`` functions to easily create grids for control system plots. Appropriate keyword arguments have been created on all major plot functions in order to activate these grids.
* Added ``plot_root_locus`` to the control submodule.
* ``plot_bode`` now auto-computes an appropriate frequency range.
* Removed the transfer function's Latex representation from the title of plots related to control systems. This decision is motivated from practical experience, where most of the transfer functions have floating point coefficients, which makes their Latex representation too big to fit into the small width of a plot.
* Refactoring of the ``series.py`` sub-module:
* code has been re-organized to make extensibility easier and slightly improve performance. In particular, the mixin class ``CommonUniformEvaluation`` has been introduced, which handles all the machinery necessary to evaluate symbolic expressions. Series classes may or may not inherit from it. ``CommonUniformEvaluation`` allows for a better separation of scopes: data series that don't need that code are faster to instantiate.
* Breaking: refactoring of ``NyquistLineSeries`` in order to use the ``control`` module. In particular, the ``get_data`` method now returns many more arrays.
* Breaking: removed attribute ``use_quiver_solid_color`` from ``Vector2DSeries``.
* Fixed bug with labels of 2D vector fields.