We now have methods to interact with sections within a review.
Sections are a great way to group items in a review.
Docs here: https://syncsketch.github.io/python-api/#syncsketch.SyncSketchAPI.create_review_section
Example code
from syncsketch import SyncSketchAPI
s = SyncSketchAPI(your_username, your_api_key)
s.create_review_section(review_id, "section name", [item_id_1, item_id_2])
s.update_review_sections(review_id, [{"uuid": section_uuid, "name": "new api name", "itemIds": [item_id_1, item_id_2]}])
s.delete_review_section(review_id, section_uuid)
Other updates:
Thanks to https://github.com/matija-tomazic for the two PRs:
1. Add raw response option to all methods - https://github.com/syncsketch/python-api/pull/20
2. Add option to specify response fields - https://github.com/syncsketch/python-api/pull/21