This release seeks to improve the heart rate variability module and will be the reference version for the JOSS publication.
- |Feature| HRV module: Add a function py:func:`systole.hrv.all_domain()` to easily compute all possible HRV indices.
- |Feature| HRV module: Add recurence plot analysis and fast recurrence matrix computation (thanks to Dominique Makowski), and basic quantitative metrics (recurrence rate, l_max, l_mean, determinism rate, Shannon entropy). These metrics are now part of the nonlinear reports (py:func:`systole.hrv.nonlinear_domain()`) or can be called separately (py:func:`systole.hrv.recurrence()`).
- |Feature| |Enhancement| HRV module: The time domain function (py:func:`systole.hrv.time_domain()`) also reports the SDSD by default.
- |Feature| |Enhancement| HRV module: The frequency domain function (py:func:`systole.hrv.frequency_domain()`) now returns the total power and LF/HF ratio by default.
- |Feature| Plotting module: Add nicer rendering for table output for time_domain, frequency_domain and nonlinear_domain functions, working either with Tabulate or Bokeh.
- |Feature| Add a respiratory peaks detection function (py:func:`systole.detection.res_peaks()`). VEry simple for now, will be improved in the future.
- |Docs| |Enhancement| Improve tutorial notebook on HRV.
- Dominique Makowski (https://github.com/DominiqueMakowski)
- Bertrand Hermann (bertrand.hermannghu-paris.fr)