We tried so hard, and got so far, but in the end, we need a disassembler! x86
mitigations have defeated us, we no longer have syscall tables to rely on.
Kernel developers were kind enough to write very simple ABI-specific
switch-based handlers to dispach syscalls, so analysis is still possible... just
significantly more complicated.
**Breaking changes**:
- Drop support for Python 3.6 and 3.7. Systrack now requires Python 3.8+. This
is because of the new dependency on
- x86: support new kernels (6.9+) with no syscall tables.
- Remove unnecessary spaces between asterisks for double pointers in function
- Avoid KFCI `__{cfi,pfx}_` symbols when looking for `ni_syscall` symbols.
**Internal changes**:
- Depend on [`iced-x86`](https://pypi.org/project/iced-x86/) for disassembling
x86 instructions and on [`jinja2`](https://pypi.org/project/jinja2/) for HTML
output directly. Remove optional dependencies and only build one package.
- Rename `test` folder to `tests` to use the `hatch test` as test commnad
- Improve logging reproducibility by sorting more debugging log output.
- Improve broken Python package metadata (Python packaging moment).