**Breaking changes**:
- To unify the API, :class:`DenseMatrix` does not inherit from :class:`np.ndarray` anymore. To convert a :class:`DenseMatrix` to a :class:`np.ndarray`, use :meth:`DenseMatrix.unpack`.
- Similarly, :class:`SparseMatrix` does not inherit from :class:`sps.csc_matrix` anymore. To convert a :class:`SparseMatrix` to a :class:`sps.csc_matrix`, use :meth:`SparseMatrix.unpack`.
**New features:**
- Added column name and term name metadata to :class:`MatrixBase` objects. These are automatically populated when initializing a :class:`MatrixBase` from a :class:`pandas.DataFrame`. In addition, they can be accessed and modified via the :attr:`MatrixBase.column_names` and :attr:`MatrixBase.term_names` properties.
- Added a formula interface for creating tabmat matrices from pandas data frames. See :func:`tabmat.from_formula` for details.
- Added support for missing values in :class:`CategoricalMatrix` by either creating a separate category for them or treating them as all-zero rows.
- Added support for handling missing categorical values in pandas data frames.
**Bug fix:**
- Added cython compiler directive ``legacy_implicit_noexcept = True`` to fix performance regression with cython 3.
**Other changes:**
- Refactored the pre-commit hooks to use ruff.
- Refactored :meth:`CategoricalMatrix.transpose_matvec` to be deterministic when using OpenMP.
- Adjusted transformation to sparse format in :func:`tabmat.from_pandas` to future changes in pandas.