* fb2a1bd Merge pull request 29 from pwnfan/dev
* b94822b docs>new&&docs>modify.fix: add new and modify old content in README
* 4883ef1 infra.misc>modify.refactor: modify project description in pyproject.toml
* add0f84 infra.ci>new: add release action
* 1d0cc36 infra.misc>new: add FUNDING
* 71c4bd6 infra.ci>modify.new: add step to upload coverage reports to codecov, and add trigger condition `on push`
* db9e718 code.core>modify.fix: correct the grammatical errors in the help message
* 94e1de6 Merge pull request 28 from pwnfan/dev
* 8a6f9d0 code.core>modify.refactor: remove space to generate more compacted json-lines file
* 10823a8 code.core>modify.fix: fix bug when working with ui when url_base is a relative url or a sub directory
* c1ae689 code.core>modify.fix: fix parameter name error
* cc7904d code.core>modify.refactor: modify CLI log msg
* f0f9664 code.core>modify.refactor: order the subcommands in the help msg
* c431018 code.core>modify.fix: fix the variable name and description mistakes saying that "tagmark jsonlines data" as "tagmark json data"
* 46e097c code.core>modify.refactor: detail the error msg when missing cookie for `export` subcommand
* a61e7e3 code.core>new: add new type `diigo_web_exported` into `convert -f`
* e0ee4a5 code.core>modify.fix>fix the default value of `export -o`
* 4bd1333 code.tests>modify.style: lint code
* 37e4232 infra.ci>modify.fix> fix ci lint error for PEP8 E203, see infra.misc>modify.fix: ignore E203 in flake8, see https://github.com/psf/black/issues/315 for details
* 698bfda code.core>modify.refactor: rename classes
* dac87bb code.core>new: add `export` subcommand and diigo web exporter
* e04e2e0 code.tests>modify.fix: fix leaving test temp file unremoved
* fa07dd1 code.core>modify.refactor: rename classes and module aliases
* 53123e8 code.core>modify.fix: fix the default value of `covert -o` option
* 7b95e7d infra.misc>modify.refactor: simplify arg name of `make changelog`
* 8cc410b code.core>modify.refactor: rename exception names in cli.py
* 41e7b74 code.core>modify.refactor: add log to show no definition tags into `autotagdef` subcommand
* 602f7e2 code.core>modify.style: lint code
* c1910ef code.core>modify.refactor: add error log containing line string into `maketagdoc` subcommand
* b7c9c08 code.tests>modify.refactor: modify test data
* 519ffe1 code.core>modify.fix: `maketagdoc` wrong count when template exppression is `{{f+c:sec AND article AND NOT chinese AND NOT japanese AND NOT korean}}`
* c4a5d22 code.core>modify.fix: `maketagdoc` `f:` template expression missed brackets
* 7ea8e23 code.core>modify.fix: `maketagdoc` generated url is not encoded
* b48b99a code.core>new: `checktag` add check for duplicated tag formatted names
* 9b09f0f code.tests>modify.refactor: change common fixture function name
* 6d851f8 code.core>modify.refactor: change subcommand function name
* 0bbdd0d code.misc>new: add sub command "maketagdoc"
* 1a1b597 infra.misc>modify.fix: suppress the subsequent echo command when the first command failed
* 0420b6d code.core>modify.refactor: change variable name
* 240c36c code.core>new: add new class `TagmarkFilter`
* d483925 code.core>modify.refactor: add missing type hint
* 2d0baad docs>modify.refactor: move LICENSE into `docs` folder
* 651d309 code.core>modify.fix: fix `checktag` subcommand error
* 94a6f17 code.core>modify.fix: fix `tagmark_cli -h` not work
* 17d271b core.misc>modify.refactor: change the data structure of tag json file, and making relate change to code: 1. change the way to generating gpt prompt 2. detail tag with several properties to make preparation for adding the `cheatsheet` subcommand
* 79da854 docs>new: add new TODO into README
* b200ae5 infra.misc>modify.fix: add `changelog` into `.PHONY` in Makefile