
Latest version: v2.2.2

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- Added a shebang to tapestry to make it immediately executable similar to a bash script.
- Improved error handling to close issue 1 - missing keys are now correctly excepted.
- Closed the security issue which could result in recovery from unauthenticated blocks without warning the user.
- Improved log formatting in the test scripts.
- Improved memory allocation during compression/decompression operations.
- Removed the limitation on workers which was previously imposed by blocksize vs. available RAM.
- Rewrote the testing framework to close issue 5 - Test are now a suite, refer to the documenation.
- Added backup-to and recovery-via FTP with TLS support. Review the documentation.

v 2.0.0 (legacy):
- Rewritten from the ground up to leverage return-oriented design principals.
-- addresses the issue with windows introduced in 0.3.0!
- Tapestry is now packaged as a module and installed and invoked as such.
- Places the (currently unutilized) integrity testing task classes into `classes.py` for future use.

v 2.0.1 (legacy):
- Issue 12: rectified an NS attribute error that was causing runs with the genKey flag set to use the previous key
(if any) rather than the newly-generated key
- Issue 13: Changed the behaviour for the creation of category directories to improve error handling in cases where
the parent directory of a category is missing.

v 2.1.0 (legacy):
- Test Framework Redesign - better test coverage means more reliable software
- Updated documentation to facilitate security review and additional development efforts.
- Added new functionality surrounding file validation, either on-demand or at runtime.
- add `Build-Time File Validation: True` to your config file to activate.
- demand-validate specific block files with `--validate` (requires decryption)
- Fixed an unreported bug introduced in v2.0.0 that caused an error message at runtime.
- If no `-c` config file path is provided, tapestry will look for `tapestry.cfg` in the current working directory.
- If that file is also not found, Tapestry will generate a config file with sane defaults and save it in that
- Deprecates all former network functionality; this is being replaced with new SFTP functionality.
- Deemed acceptable as FTP/S is a rare arrangement by comparison to SFTP.
- This requires new fields be added to your configuration file.
- Stashing on network shared drives still possible.
- Adds SFTP functionality
- Restores the logger functionality. Future logging improvements likely, but the original functionality of logging
skipped files should be restored.
- Issue 19: Tapestry will crash upon encountering a file it cannot operate against, such as a broken symlink.
EricaPomme supplied a new function that will address this.

v 2.1.1 (release):
- Fixes a bug reported as issue 25 which prevented Tapestry from placing its own config template.
- Fixes an unreported bug that prevented SFTP operation on modern versions of Paramiko.
- A change of environment has permanently broken the test for the >0.3.0 recovery index methods. This could break
compatability with verions prior to v1.0.0. It is recommended you rebaseline with a modern version of Tapestry.
Future support for the PKL recovery method is deprecated and the code will eventually be removed.


-Fixed an issue with the globally-declared "version" variable which prevented the program from functioning.


-Killed KeyringMode=False with fire.
-The `--setup` flag is now deprecated. Please avoid use.
-Removed internal requests for pin/passphrase to force pinentry popout.
-Switched to UUIDs for the FID value, rather than a counter.
--Eliminates Collisions
-Fixed an issue with the blockbuild process that could generate empty blocks pointlessly.
-Added `--genKey`, the new-key generation call.
-Began implementation of unit testing.
-Added "recovery path" to configuration file for testing purposes.
-Added "output path" to configuration file for user config.
-Returned bz2 compression in the form of the comTasker. Configured in the config.


-Multiprocessing is now used for some steps of operation.
--Decision was made to improve performance.
-Discontinued the use of bz2 compression for performance reasons. Increased op time unjustified.
-Changed structure of the compression operation, may lead to performance impacts. See readme
-Recovery pickle is now added to all blocks(old was block1).
-Minor fixes to various naming systems.


-Now possible to allow a "keyring-only mode", which skips keyloading/keyremoval.
-Fixed bug in recovery that would crash Tapestry on an unknown category.
-Organization improvements: outputs moved to a subdirectory on the desktop, rather than loose.
-Script will now check to see if loopback pinentry is enabled. If it is not, it will ask the user for permission to
add it, or disable signing-by-default.



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