
Latest version: v0.2.1

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What's Changed
* make DjangoBackend.discard_tasks atomic by saryou in https://github.com/saryou/taskkit/pull/23
* add functionality to manupilate current timestamp for testing by saryou in https://github.com/saryou/taskkit/pull/24

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/saryou/taskkit/compare/0.2.0...0.2.1


What's Changed
* resolve `RemovedInDjango51Warning` by tanagumo in https://github.com/saryou/taskkit/pull/21
* add py.typed by saryou in https://github.com/saryou/taskkit/pull/22

New Contributors
* tanagumo made their first contribution in https://github.com/saryou/taskkit/pull/21

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/saryou/taskkit/compare/0.1.17...0.2.0


What's Changed
* Add an option not to start helper services by saryou in https://github.com/saryou/taskkit/pull/19
* adjust worker ttl and service intervals by saryou in https://github.com/saryou/taskkit/pull/20

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/saryou/taskkit/compare/0.1.16...0.1.17


What's Changed
* drop use_old_queue option from DjangoBackend by saryou in https://github.com/saryou/taskkit/pull/17
* Feature/polling interval by saryou in https://github.com/saryou/taskkit/pull/18

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/saryou/taskkit/compare/0.1.15...0.1.16


What's Changed
* introduce Backend.retry_task to improve performance by saryou in https://github.com/saryou/taskkit/pull/15
* improve DjangoBackend.assign_task by saryou in https://github.com/saryou/taskkit/pull/16

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/saryou/taskkit/compare/0.1.14...0.1.15


What's Changed
* introduce new model `TaskkitTaskQueue` to improve performance by saryou in https://github.com/saryou/taskkit/pull/14

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/saryou/taskkit/compare/0.1.13...0.1.14

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