- More moduler socket structure
- `tcp_sockets.py` file added included with `TCPSocket`, `TCPv4Socket`, `TCPv6Socket` and `AsyncSocket` classes which are used for opening a socket and connect to remote end.
- Rewrite `tcpping`, `async_tcpping`, `multi_tcpping` and `async_multi_tcpping` functions
- socket connection removed from main tcpping and async_tcpping functions and implemented in socket classes.
- SSL and HTTP requests parts are removed for future generic implementation.
- `is_ipv6` parameter in functions are removed and implemented when creating sockets.
- Deault values for these functions also edited.
- Time performance calculation is moved from these functions to socket classes.
- Rewrite models
- Since ssl, dns and http requests are removed, rtt times for these are removed from `TcpHost` model. `min_rtt_all`, `avg_rtt_all` and `max_rtt_all` properties are renamed and `_all` suffix removed
- Implemented `TCPRequest` model for more structured tcpping
- Rewrite the documentation based on changes.
- Add the `is_hostname` function to check if a string is a hostname or an FQDN.
- Remove the `is_ipv4` function since it is default now.
- Add the `strip_http_https` function to remove these headers from the given hostname or FQDN
- Performance and compatibility improvement.
- Many other small changes and fixes.
- [ ] Adding SSL connection time performance calculation
- [ ] Adding DNS resolution time performance calculation
> Please read the documentation before changing your old code base since library had major change with this release