
Latest version: v0.9.0

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Backwards-incompatible changes

- We've "vendored" sphinx-basic-ng into the Technote project itself. This is to prepare for changing the technote theme to a two column layout.

- Technote no longer uses the `sphinx-basic-ng` theme. Users that depended in the `sphinx-basic-ng` themes HTML and class structure for theming will need to update their CSS.

New features

- Technote now features a two-column layout. The left column contains the table of contents and metadata, while the right column contains the content. This layout allows for wide content to "bleed" into the whitespace to the right of the content column. With this change, we've dropped the CSS patterns from the `sphinx-basic-ng` theme. The Technote layout is now built around CSS grid.

- Wide content (such as figures, tables, and code blocks) can now extend past the content column if the author sets the `technote-wide-content` class on the content. This class is applied as a `figclass` option in figures or as a preceding `rst-class` directive to tables and code blocks.

Other changes

- Adopt ruff for formatting (dropping Black).

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New features

- Changed how the base font size is set. The base font size on the `html` element is now 100% to explicitly respect the user's settings. The `rem` unit is now relative to those user settings as well.
- The "default" font size is now set on the `body` element with the `--tn-component-text-font-size` CSS property. This is set to `1.1rem` by default to maintain the original look. The header sizes are now relative to the user font size, but the smaller sizes have been increased slightly.
- The font size for `code` is now set to `0.9em`. This slightly smaller size helps avoid a baseline misalignment issue for the monospace text in the paragraph.
- The `pre` font size is `1rem`, which is slightly smaller than the text font size.
- New `--tn-component-code-font-family` CSS property. This is used for monospace fonts in code blocks and inline code. The default is `ui-monospace`, which gives SF Mono on macOS.

Other changes

- Pin `pytest < 8.0` due to a change in test sessions that's incompatible with running a technote Sphinx build repeatedly on different projects. This change is temporary until we update the project builder for tests to run in subprocesses for isolation.

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New features

- When the `technote.date_updated` field in `technote.toml` is not set, the update date internally defaults to "now" (the build time). This ensures that documents always carry some form of metadata about when they were modified.

- Code samples without captions (unwrapped `.highlight` divs) now have borders and are protected against x-overflow. This matches the behavior of code samples with captions.
- All code samples have negative left margin equal to their content padding so that the code lines up with the text column.
- The content (``) now has bottom margin to give content breathing room.

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Bug fixes

- Fix the `technote.ext.pygmentsscss` extension to handle cases where the HTML builder isn't being run.

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Bug fixes

- The `technote.ext.wraptables` and `technote.ext.insertposttitles` extensions now gracefully handle cases when an `index.html` file does not exist. A reason for this might be that the build is running through the linkcheck builder.

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New features

- Add `svg-octicon-versions-16` to the `octicons.html` sprite template. This icon is useful for linking to alternative versions of a technote.

- Add `svg-octicon-mortar-board-16` to the `octicons.html` sprite template. This icon is useful for linking to the document's citation.

- Export a variable, `T` from `technote.sphinxconf` that is an instance of `technote.main.TechnoteSphinxConfig`. This is useful for organizations that need to access the technote configuration and metadata in their own technote theme.

- Figures and tables with captions are now numbered using the Sphinx `numfig` configuration. Authors can reference figures by number using the `numref` role pointing to the figure's `name` option.

- Authors are now listed below the title of the technote. This is a change from the previous behavior of listing authors in the sidebar.

Bug fixes

- Fix the `sidebar-authors.html` component template so that extra spaces aren't introduced between authors and commas.

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