=========================== Patch release containing one bugfix and updating the default skeleton.
* FIX: Avoid directory clobber during zip extraction (131) * MAINT: Overdue updates and revision of CircleCI (136)
===================================== Release recalled because it was uploaded in a stale status of the client.
======================= Minor release including a new command line interface for the Client.
* ENH: Add a command line interface (123) * MAINT: Update *DataLad*'s pinned version (128) * MAINT: Revise failing *Pypi* deployment and ``twine check`` (127) * MAINT: Generate a requirements file with ``test`` dependencies (125) * MAINT: Add codespell and make it fix some typos (121) * MAINT: Revise code style according to ruff (124) * MAINT: Add license header in all Python files (122) * MAINT: Migrate to hatchling packaging (120) * MAINT: Run ruff and address some issues (119) * MAINT: Finalize migration of package build to PEP517/8 (117)
======================= Minor release updating *PyBIDS*'s configuration to enable new entities that allow the selection of recently added *FreeSurfer*'s surface parcellations in `templateflow/tpl-fsaverage5 <https://github.com/templateflow/tpl-fsaverage/pull/5>`__.
* ENH: Add `seg-<label>` and `scale-<number>` entities (114)
====================== Minor release to update skeleton to include recently added templates.