
Latest version: v1.0b2

Safety actively analyzes 663890 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Remove dependencies on templer.plone.localcommands in tests. Depend only
on this package and templer.core

- Determine package namespaces, path, and parent template without relying on
setuptools egg-info. It is now assumed that local commands are being run
with the root of the package (i.e. the folder that contains setup.py) as the
current working directory.

- Remove all dependencies on PasteScript and Paste
[davisagli, cewing]



- Fix packaging error



- Add TemplerLocalCommand and TemplerLocalTemplate base classes, modelled
on the local command and template classes from zopeskel, with fixes

- Add tests for local command instance methods

- Package created using templer



Has known vulnerabilities

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