
Latest version: v15.3.1

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* **SECURITY**: Fixed a potential XSS vulnerability in forums.
* Added the filter "Event Type" to event financial report.
* Added the export option to /admin/auth/user/.
* Added header image field to study groups.
* Added 2 tokens, rep_last_name and rep_salutation, to corp notices
* Added the “unrelease” option to the action dropdown for Registrant Credits.
* Updated event registration to redirect non-members to 403 if the only pricing is for member-only.
* Updated memberships to avoid duplicate memberships submissions on renewal.
* Resolved tinymce menu inoperable in fullscreen.
* Other minor updates and fixes.


* Updated add/edit corp reps to remove the auto-complete with a list of possible email addresses.
* Added a setting "REDIRECT_403_TO_LOGIN" to allow your site to turn off the "403 to login redirection" for anonymous users. If this setting is turned off (default on), whenever a permission is required, anonymous users will see the 403 page immediately instead of being redirected to the login page.
* Updated directory expiration date after directory edit. (Thanks to rob-hills)
* Added a check to avoid the "disable_template_cache" from crashing the site. (Thanks to bernd-wechner)
* Upgraded zoom to the latest SDK (v3.9.0).
* Added an unsubscribe button to group view if user is allowed to remove themselves from the group.
* Resolved some issues in invoice view.
* Removed the interactive field from profile edit as the regular users should not change their interactive status.
* Made some updates for jobs and directories, including a setting to specify the required fields on add/edit.
* Added an option to set up notices for corp memberships in different regions.
* Added the tax option to directory pricing.
* Users can now assign category/subcategory to their directory listings.
* Added mime types for .xlsx, .docx and .pptx to the allowed list.
* Allowed the corp reps view their invoices.
* Updated forum notifications.
* Fixed invoice logo not showing on invoice PDF.
* Fixed tax being applied before discount for event registration.
* Many other updates and fixes.


* Corporate memberships update: 1) Added an option to require admin approval upon joining (Corp members) but allow them to renew upon payment without having to go through admin approval. 2) Added a setting to allow individual who submits a corp membership application to automatically become member under the org upon approval.
* Fixed a TypeError for membership approve method called from recurring memberships.


* New feature: option to use region for tax rate. It can be turned on with the setting "Use Regions for Tax Rate" at /settings/module/invoices/id_taxrateuseregions. The header and footer of an invoice can be customized for a specific region.
* Added the option to auto apply chapter memberships upon membership approval.
* Added the option to allow event select multiple groups with one primary group. If multiple groups are selected, the primary group is used for financial reports.
* Updated forums view to raise HttpResponseForbidden to avoid a blank page when an authenticated user gets permission denied. (Thanks to CraigeHales)
* Suppressed captcha for logged users on embeded forms. (Thanks to CraigeHales)
* Updated digital check-in process so that the user scanning in registrants doesn't have to select a session and click "confirm". (Thanks to ssimmons42)
* Added 'Powered by Stripe' logo to Stripe payments page. (Thanks to b-davies24)
* Updated events credits report - Added a filter by credit name and added export feature to the report.
* Corrected the roster report link on child event view to point to child event roster.
* Updated 403 and 404 pages to include error codes. (Thanks to b-davies24)
* Added the filter by "Last Login" at users admin backend.
* Made "Registration email reply to" a required field on events add/edit.
* Added the description field to event Addon.
* Added Event Place admin facility to allow sorting and mergeing event places. (Thanks to rob-hills)
* Updated jobs and directories add/edit to not show list type dropdown if no premium listing.
* Other minor updates and fixes.


* Upgraded font awesome from v4 to v6.
* Removed UnicodeWriter from exports for invoices, articles, chapters and events to significantly reduce the size of the exported files.
* Added donation allocation to corporate memberships renewal, and have the option to create a separate invoice for donation.
* Projects update: added frontend add/edit pages.
* Resolved some issues in tinymce 6.8.
* Other minor updates and fixes.


* **Breaking Changes: Requires Django 4.2 LTS**. Django 3.2 LTS is not supported. For migrating T14 sites to T15, please follow the guide in https://tendenci.readthedocs.io/en/latest/upgrade/upgrade-to-tendenci.html.
* Implemented json-ld as structured data on event view for events to show in Google events search.
* Added bulk checkout feature on events roster report.
* Adjusted the format for event certifications.
* Fixed an error on skillset edit due to openstreetmap search requires user agent specified.
* Fixed an issue regarding photo size too large for photos batch edit.
* Fixed some broken links in tendenci default fixtures.
* Fixed a format issue for profile top menu.
* Removed "\r" from ical description to prevent it from showing in google calendar.
* Other minor fixes.

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