support for TL 1.9.17 release and py27, py36
implement 1.9.17 new api interfaces - 76, 81, 82, 83, 101
- getExecutionSet(<testplanid>, [testcaseid=<testcaseid>], [testcaseexternalid=<testcaseexternalid>],
[buildid=<buildid>], [buildname=<buildname>], [platformid=<platformid>],
[platformname=<platformname>], [options=<options>], [devKey=<devKey>])
- getRequirements(<testprojectid>, [testplanid=<testplanid>], [platformid=<platformid>], [devKey=<devKey>])
- getReqCoverage(<testprojectid>, <requirementdocid>, [devKey=<devKey>])
- setTestCaseTestSuite(<testcaseexternalid>, <testsuiteid>, [devKey=<devKey>])
- getTestSuiteAttachments(<testsuiteid>, [devKey=<devKey>])
- getAllExecutionsResults(<testplanid>, [testcaseid=<testcaseid>],
[testcaseexternalid=<testcaseexternalid>], [platformid=<platformid>],
[buildid=<buildid>], [options=<options>])
TestReporter and other improvements pull request 94
pull request by Brian-Williams:
- TestReporter's subclasses can be used to idempotently generate required
components of testlink before sending the report to a specified testcase.
- TestGenReporter is a default combination of all the TestReporter's subclasses
and will try to generate everything it's subclasses is capable of.
- Added TestLinkHelper._setParams to simplify libraries that need to overwrite
how a helper aquires it's parameters
- Added TestlinkAPIClient.getTestCaseByVersion to expose the common need of
gettting the latest testcase by default. It was already used, but not a
function in this class and has uses elsewhere.
`<example/TestLinkExample.py>`_ includes sample, how to use
TestGenReporter and TestlinkAPIClient.getTestCaseByVersion
Self signed / Let's Encrypt SSL certificate support 90
TestlinkAPIGeneric and TestlinkAPIClient accepts know the additional
xmlrpclib.ServerProxy() arguments *use_datetime* and *context* (new with Py2.7.9)
- https://docs.python.org/2/library/xmlrpclib.html
*context* allows to define a SSL context, which can holds various data
longer-lived than single SSL connections, such as SSL configuration options,
certificate(s) and private key(s). (new with Py2.7.9)
- https://docs.python.org/2/library/ssl.htmlssl-contexts
TestLinkHelper will set the *unverified_context()* if the server url starts with
*https* and no *context* is defined, calling
- TestLinkHelper().connect(TestlinkAPIClient)
known TL 1.9.17 issues:
API-XMLRPC - new 1.9.17 xmlrpc.class function getAllExecutionsResults not callable via XMLRPC api
- see `TL Mantis Ticket 8259 <http://mantis.testlink.org/view.php?id=8259>`_
fixed TL 1.9.17-DEV issues:
API-XMLRPC - getRequirements raise PHP Fatal error (github commit 0c8feb6)
- see `TL Mantis Ticket 7902 <http://mantis.testlink.org/view.php?id=7900>`_
API-XMLRPC - getExecutionSet raise database error (github commit 1ee5f78)
- see `TL Mantis Ticket 7900 <http://mantis.testlink.org/view.php?id=7900>`_
TestLink-API-Python-client release notes v0.6.4 (Mar. 2017)
support for TL 1.9.16 release and py27, py34, py35 and py36
implement 1.9.16 new api interfaces - 80
new TestlinkAPIGeneric and TestlinkAPIClient api method
- updateBuildCustomFieldsValues(<testprojectid>, <testplanid>, <buildid>,
<customfields>, [devKey=<devKey>])
example `<example/TestLinkExample_CF_KW.py>`_ shows, how to set and get
customer field values
TestLink-API-Python-client release notes v0.6.3 (Nov. 2016)
support for TL 1.9.15 release and py26, py27, py33, py34 and py35
- further releases will be developed only against py27, py34 and py35
- If there is a need to support other py versions, please give feedback
implement 1.9.15 new api interfaces - 54 67 69
new TestlinkAPIGeneric and TestlinkAPIClient api methods
- updateTestSuite(<testsuiteid>, [testprojectid=<testprojectid>],
[prefix=<prefix>], [parentid=<parentid>], [testsuitename=<testsuitename>],
[details=<details>], [order=<order>], [devKey=<devKey>])
- getTestSuite(<testsuitename>, <prefix>, [devKey=<devKey>])
- getIssueTrackerSystem(<itsname>, [devKey=<devKey>])
implement 1.9.15 changed api interfaces - 68 70 72 71 69
changed TestlinkAPIGeneric and TestlinkAPIClient api methods
- reportTCResult() is adapted to support the new optional argument <steps>
for setting test step results
- createBuild() is adapted to support new optional arguments
- <active> : 1 (default) = activ 0 = inactiv
- <open> : 1 (default) = open 1 = closed
- <releasedate> : YYYY-MM-DD
- <copytestersfrombuild> : valid buildid tester assignments will be copied.
- addTestCaseToTestPlan() is adapted to to support the new optional argument
<overwrite> to update linked Test Case Versions
- createTestCase() is adapted to to support the new optional arguments <status>
and <estimatedexecduration>
- createTestProject() is adapted to to support the new optional arguments
<itsname> and <itsenabled> to link a project with an ITS
>>> tls = testlink.TestLinkHelper().connect(testlink.TestlinkAPIClient)
>>> tls.reportTCResult(None, 'aTPlanID', 'aBuildName', 'f', 'result note',
>>> testcaseexternalid='aTCaseFullExID', overwrite=True,
>>> platformname='Small Birds', execduration=4.1,
>>> timestamp='2015-09-19 14:33:02',
>>> steps=[{'step_number' : 3, 'result' : 'p', 'notes' : 'a exec note3'},
>>> {'step_number' : 4, 'result' : 'f', 'notes' : 'a exec note4'}])
>>> tls.createBuild(aTPlanID, 'newBuildName', 'a build note',
>>> active=1, open=1, releasedate='2016-11-30'
>>> copytestersfrombuild=existingBuildID)
>>> tls.addTestCaseToTestPlan(aTProjectID, aTPlanID, 'aTCaseFullExID',
>>> aTCVersion, overwrite=1)
known TL 1.9.15 issues:
changing test suite order with updateTestSuite raise internal server error
- same reason as `TL Mantis Ticket 7696 <http://mantis.testlink.org/view.php?id=7696>`_
- solution: change *testlink-1.9.15/lib/functions/testsuite.class.php - update* as
descriped in `TL GitHub Commit 1fa41e7 <https://github.com/TestLinkOpenSourceTRMS/testlink-code/commit/1fa41e7ca1eefa55ceaffac8c44a219c05e710e2>`_
TestLink web presents no login page (internal server error)
- see `TL Mantis Ticket 7708 <http://mantis.testlink.org/view.php?id=7708>`_
- solution: change *testlink-1.9.15/lib/functions/common.php* as described in `TL GitHub Commit db74644 <https://github.com/TestLinkOpenSourceTRMS/testlink-code/commit/db746440924aa3a572c8058a0595a9572cf36979>`_
Test projects with execution step results can not be deleted
- details and solution see `TL Mantis Ticket 7765 <http://mantis.testlink.org/view.php?id=7765>`_