------------------- * Attempts to avoid the "tofu problem" in plots by setting an appropriate font for CJK characters. * Skips stemming during tokenization if no lemmatizer is available. * Improves documentation.
------------------- * Fixes version metadata in accordance with PEP 639.
------------------- * Switches to ``matplotlib`` for plotting; removes dependency on Cairo. * Adds ``figsize`` option to `params`. * Drops support for Python 3.9. * Updates to spaCy 3.8. * Removes experimental FCA features. * Adds a ``max_docs`` option (contributed by McWashr in `62 <https://github.com/jboynyc/textnets/pull/62>`__). * Enables proper tokenization of Chinese text. (In response to `65 <https://github.com/jboynyc/textnets/issues/65>`__.) * Switches from Poetry to PDM to handle project dependencies and builds.
------------------ * Sets ``language_level`` compiler directive for Cython. (In response to `63 <https://github.com/jboynyc/textnets/issues/63>`__.) * Updates to spaCy 3.7.4 and igraph 0.11.3. * Removes references to conda-forge package as it has become difficult to keep updated. * Adds dependency on pyarrow to satisfy future pandas releases.
------------------ * Updates to spaCy 3.7.2 and to igraph 0.10.5. * Adds Python 3.12 compatibility. (In response to `61 <https://github.com/jboynyc/textnets/issues/61>`__.) * Fixes a bug in how *tf-idf* is calculated without sublinear scaling. * If the corpus contains long documents, adjust spaCy's maximum document length parameter as needed.