* remove `rescale_dependency` and `color_formula_dependency` attributes in TilerFactory class **breaking change**
* add `render_func: Callable[..., Tuple[bytes, str]] = render_image` attribute in TilerFactory class
* update `/healthz` endpoint to return dependencies versions (titiler, rasterio, gdal, ...)
* migrate `templates/index.html` to bootstrap5, remove unused css, reuse bs classes
* Updated WMTS endpoint to return layer bounds in coordinate ordering matching CRS order if WGS84 is not used
* Update package build backend from `pdm-pep517` to `pdm-backend` (https://backend.pdm-project.org/#migrate-from-pdm-pep517)
* Update namespace package from using `.` to `-` as separator to comply with PEP-625 (https://peps.python.org/pep-0625/)
* Remove `python3.8` support
* Add `python3.13` support