![Frame 248](https://github.com/ysfchn/toasted/assets/54748183/92595ec8-8fdf-475f-af48-4e75c6a46dba)
After a whole year, Toasted became more polished day after day, so unfortunately this resulted in many breaking changes but in the end, it also resulted with a bunch of cool features. Not every change is listed here, since some of them are internal changes that are not supposed to be used by developers.
* Create images from Windows icon font ([Segoe Fluent](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/design/style/segoe-fluent-icons-font) or [Segoe MDL2](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/design/style/segoe-ui-symbol-font)), which then can be used as an icon in toast elements.
* A custom URI has also been added for convenience, for example if you set `icon://E706` as a source in image element, it will show a sun/brightness icon.
* Specify a custom sound for toast that will be played when toast is shown. Both HTTP links and file paths are supported.
* To set a custom sound, use `sound` attribute. When a custom sound has provided, notification's own sound will be muted and "winsound" module (from stdlib) will be used to play sounds. You can also use `mute_sound` parameter in `show()` method to silent the toast for once, which can be useful if you plan to send one-after-one toasts.
* Instead of notifications appearing with the name "Python", make them appear with a special name and icon by adding the required keys with `Toast.register_app_id()` method to the Windows registry. To remove the registered app ID, use `Toast.unregister_app_id()`. Windows doesn't require a reboot for toast app registrations, however, you need to make sure that all notifications sent by this library are cleared from Action Center to make Windows to clear the icon/name cache.
* `Toast.update()` now returns a boolean and accepts `missing_ok` parameter to not raise an exception if notification was not found.
* `Toast.show()` now returns a `ToastResult`, so setting a callback is not the only option anymore. Setting a callback is still and will be supported, and `show()` method will return a `ToastResult` regardless of if you set a callback or not.
* Added `Toast.is_registered_app_id`, `Toast.can_send_from_app_id`, `Toast.uses_custom_sound`,`Toast.uses_windows_sound`, `Toast.get_theme_info`.
* Added support for `data:` URIs as a source to images.
* Updated examples. They are now created with fully Python, instead of loading a toast elements JSON.
🚩 Breaking changes
* `Group` and `Subgroup` elements are removed, simply use lists of lists instead when defining elements. Old JSON payloads won't work.
* Elements are now stored in `Toast.elements`, rather than `Toast.data`.
* `Toast.to_xml` is superseded by `Toast.to_xml_string`.
* `Toast.remote_images` has renamed to `Toast.remote_media`. The JSON key has also renamed to "remote_media".
* Fixed typo in `Button.is_content` to `Button.is_context`.
* `ms-appdata` URIs now resolve to the `%APPDATA%`.
* If base path is None, current directory will be used instead for relative local file paths.
* Handlers now only gets `ToastResult` object that wraps all related information.
* Removed `history_*` methods, instead use `toast.history` (instance, bound to toast) or `History` (class, for any toast).
* Renamed `source_app_id` to `app_id`. It is also now shared in all Toast instances. As app IDs are meant for per process, it was meaningless to keep different values for each Toast instance.
* `Toast.show()` parameter signature has changed (positional).
* Removed `Toast.use_button_style`. It is now determined automatically if toast has a button with `style`.
* For JSON import, component types are now defined with `_type` key instead of `type` key.
<summary>Internal changes</summary>
* `ToastMediaFileSystem` is now used for downloading media files to the temporary directory, thus external `fs` dependency has removed.
* Better URI handler, now it can resolve paths more properly.
* It appears to be, notification groups are not a thing in Windows 11, so `group_id` won't be set for notifications (even if provided one) if running in Windows 11.
* `ToastSound` is no longer an Enum.
* Added `FEATURE_NOT_AVAILABLE` value to `ToastNotificationMode` for cases when notification mode can't be determined on specific versions of Windows.
* `Toast._toast_handler` is now `Toast._callback_result`.
* `Toast._show_handler` is now `Toast._callback_show`.
* `Toast._manager` is now `Toast._imp_manager`.
* `Toast._toast` is now `Toast._imp_toast`.
* `ToastElement.to_xml` is superseded by `ToastElement.to_xml_data`, and returns a `XMLData` object instead.
* New internal methods for `Toast`.