What's Changed
- **Improved Error Handling Across Clients**:
Fix: improve error handling and support for missing fields across clients. 18
- **Fix Packaging**:
Included the `py.typed` file to enhance type hinting support for users. 13
- **Refactor Stonfi, Implement Stonfi Swap V2**:
Refactored Stonfi and introduced the second version of the Stonfi Swap. 11
- **Add Mnemonic Validation Decorator**:
Added a decorator for mnemonic validation in the `from_mnemonic` method.
- **Fix Subwallet ID Generation for WalletV5R1**:
Fixed an issue with subwallet ID generation for `WalletV5R1`, depending on the selected network (mainnet/testnet).
- **Add Wallet V2 Support**:
Added support for Wallet V2.
- **Update aiohttp Version**:
Updated `aiohttp` to version 3.10.11 for compatibility and performance improvements.
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/nessshon/tonutils/compare/v0.1.5...v0.1.7