Added `torch_log_wmse_audio_quality` alias added alias file so imports can either be `torch_log_wmse` or `torch_log_wmse_audio_quality`.
Updated README Updated README to reflect 0.2.8 `bypass_filter` update.
Added ability to bypass frequency weightning + bug fixes Added `bypass_filter` argument that will bypass frequency weighting if `True`.
Fixed bug that returns NaN when one of the entries in the batch is a digital silence triplet - Thanks to Iver Jordal for the [issue]( & [PR](!
Changed GitHub repo name & references Updated GitHub repo name to appropriate `torch-log-wmse`. `torch-log-wmse-audio-quality` can still be installed, but everything will reference the new name (`torch-log-wmse`) moving forward.
Updated badges Updated badge references in the `README`.