
Latest version: v0.2.1

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Compatible with Existing Molecular Models in TorchDrug

- TorchProtein follows the scientific fact that proteins are macromolecules. The core data structures `data.Protein` and `data.PackedProtein` inherit from `data.Molecule` and `data.PackedMolecule` respectively. Therefore, we can apply any existing molecule model in TorchDrug to proteins

import torch
from torchdrug import layers, datasets, transforms, models, tasks, core
from torchdrug.layers import geometry

truncate_transform = transforms.TruncateProtein(max_length=200, random=False)
protein_view_transform = transforms.ProteinView(view="residue")
transform = transforms.Compose([truncate_transform, protein_view_transform])

dataset = datasets.EnzymeCommission("~/protein-datasets/", transform=transform)
train_set, valid_set, test_set = dataset.split()

model = models.GIN(input_dim=21,
hidden_dims=[256, 256, 256, 256],
batch_norm=True, short_cut=True, concat_hidden=True)

graph_construction_model = layers.GraphConstruction(
edge_layers=[geometry.SpatialEdge(radius=10.0, min_distance=5),
geometry.KNNEdge(k=10, min_distance=5),

task = tasks.MultipleBinaryClassification(model, graph_construction_model=graph_construction_model, num_mlp_layer=3,
task=list(range(len(dataset.tasks))), criterion="bce",
metric=("auprcmicro", "f1_max"))

optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(task.parameters(), lr=1e-4)
solver = core.Engine(task, train_set, valid_set, test_set, optimizer,
gpus=[0], batch_size=4)

auprcmicro: 0.187884
f1_max: 0.231008

- In **Protein-Ligand Interaction (PLI) prediction task**, we can utilize a molecular encoder module to extract the representations of molecules. Please check [tutorial 2]( for more details.

train_set, valid_set, test_set = ...

protein encoder
model = models.ProteinCNN(input_dim=21,
hidden_dims=[1024, 1024],
kernel_size=5, padding=2, readout="max")
molecule encoder
model2 = models.GIN(input_dim=66,
hidden_dims=[256, 256, 256, 256],
batch_norm=True, short_cut=True, concat_hidden=True)

task = tasks.InteractionPrediction(model, model2=model2, task=dataset.tasks,
criterion="mse", metric=("mae", "rmse", "spearmanr"),
normalization=False, num_mlp_layer=2)

optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(task.parameters(), lr=1e-4)
solver = core.Engine(task, train_set, valid_set, test_set, optimizer,
gpus=[0], batch_size=16)

mean absolute error [scaled_effect1]: 0.249482
root mean squared error [scaled_effect1]: 0.304326
spearmanr [scaled_effect1]: 0.44572

Support From the Developer (DeepGraphLearning/torchdrug-maintainers)

There is always an active supporting team to answer questions and provide helps. Feedbacks of use experience and contributions for development are welcomed.

New Modules

Data Structures and Operations


- Representative attributes:
- `data.Protein.edge_list`: list of edges and each edge is represented by a tuple (node_in, node_out, bond_type)
- `data.Protein.atom_type`: atom types
- `data.Protein.bond_type`: bond types
- `data.Protein.residue_type`: residue types
- `data.Protein.view`: default view for this protein. Can be “atom” or “residue”
- `data.Protein.atom_name`: atom names in each residue
- `data.Protein.atom2residue`: atom id to residue id mapping
- `data.Protein.is_hetero_atom`: hetero atom indicator
- `data.Protein.occupancy`: protein occupancy
- `data.Protein.b_factor`: temperature factors
- `data.Protein.residue_number`: residue numbers
- `data.Protein.insertion_code`: insertion codes
- `data.Protein.chain_id`: chain ids
- Representative Methods:
- `data.Protein.from_molecule`: create a protein from an RDKit object.
- `data.Protein.from_sequence`: create a protein from a sequence.
- `data.Protein.from_sequence_fast`: a faster version of creating a protein from a sequence.
- `data.Protein.from_pdb`: create a protein from a PDB file.
- `data.Protein.to_molecule`: return an RDKit object of this protein.
- `data.Protein.to_sequence`: return a sequence of this protein.
- `data.Protein.to_pdb`: write this protein to a pdb file.
- `data.Protein.split`: split this protein graph into multiple disconnected protein graphs.
- `data.Protein.pack`: batch a list of `data.Protein` into `data.PackedProtein`.
- `data.Protein.repeat`: repeat this protein.
- `data.Protein.residue2atom`: map residue id to atom ids.
- `data.Protein.residue_mask`: return a masked protein based on the specified residues.
- `data.Protein.subresidue`: return a subgraph based on the specified residues.
- `data.Protein.residue2graph`: residue id to protein id mapping.
- `data.Protein.node_mask`: return a masked protein based on the specified nodes.
- `data.Protein.edge_mask`: return a masked protein based on the specified edges.
- `data.Protein.compact`: remove isolated nodes and compact node ids.


- Representative attributes:
- `data.PackedProtein.edge_list`: list of edges and each edge is represented by a tuple (node_in, node_out, bond_type)
- `data.PackedProtein.atom_type`: atom types
- `data.PackedProtein.bond_type`: bond types
- `data.PackedProtein.residue_type`: residue types
- `data.PackedProtein.view`: default view for this protein. Can be “atom” or “residue”
- `data.PackedProtein.num_nodes`: number of nodes in each protein graph
- `data.PackedProtein.num_edges`: number of edges in each protein graph
- `data.PackedProtein.num_residues`: number of residues in each protein graph
- `data.PackedProtein.offsets`: node id offsets in different proteins
- Representative methods:
- `data.PackedProtein.node_mask`: return a masked packed protein based on the specified nodes.
- `data.PackedProtein.edge_mask`: return a masked packed protein based on the specified edges.
- `data.PackedProtein.residue_mask`: return a masked packed protein based on the specified residues.
- `data.PackedProtein.graph_mask`: return a masked packed protein based on the specified protein graphs.
- `data.PackedProtein.from_molecule`: create a protein from a list of RDKit objects.
- `data.PackedProtein.from_sequence`: create a protein from a list of sequences.
- `data.PackedProtein.from_sequence_fast`: a faster version of creating a protein from a list of sequences.
- `data.PackedProtein.from_pdb`: create a protein from a list of PDB files.
- `data.PackedProtein.to_molecule`: return a list of RDKit objects of this packed protein.
- `data.PackedProtein.to_sequence`: return a list of sequences of this packed protein.
- `data.PackedProtein.to_pdb`: write this packed protein to a list of pdb files.
- `data.PackedProtein.merge`: merge multiple packed proteins into a single packed protein.
- `data.PackedProtein.repeat`: repeat this packed protein.
- `data.PackedProtein.repeat_interleave`: repeat this packed protein, behaving similarly to `torch.repeat_interleave`_.
- `data.PackedProtein.residue2graph`: residue id to graph id mapping.


- `GearNet`: Geometry Aware Relational Graph Neural Network.
- `ESM`: Evolutionary Scale Modeling (ESM).
- `ProteinCNN`: protein shallow CNN.
- `ProteinResNet`: protein ResNet.
- `ProteinLSTM`: protein LSTM.
- `ProteinBERT`: protein BERT.
- `Statistic`: the statistic feature engineering for protein sequence.
- `Physicochemical`: the physicochemical feature engineering for protein sequence.

Protein Tasks

Sequence-based Protein Property Prediction:

- `tasks.PropertyPrediction` predicts some property of each protein, such as Beta-lactamase activity, stability and solubility for proteins.
- `tasks.NodePropertyPrediction` predicts some property of each residue in proteins, such as the secondary structure (coil, strand or helix) of each residue.
- `tasks.ContactPrediction` predicts whether any pair of residues contact or not in the folded structure.
- `tasks.InteractionPrediction` predicts the binding affinity of two interacting proteins or of a protein and a ligand, *i.e.* performing PPI affinity prediction or PLI affinity prediction.

Structure-based Protein Property Prediction:

- `tasks.MultipleBinaryClassification` predicts whether a protein owns several specific functions or not with binary labels.

Pre-trained Protein Structure Representations:

- **Self-Supervised Protein Structure Pre-training**: acquires informative protein representations from massive unlabeled protein structures, such as `tasks.EdgePrediction`, `tasks.AttributeMasking`, `tasks.ContextPrediction`, `tasks.DistancePrediction`, `tasks.AnglePrediction`, `tasks.DihedralPrediction` .
- **Fine-tuning on Downstream Task**: fine-tunes the pre-trained protein encoder on downstream tasks, such as any property prediction task mentioned above.

Protein Datasets

Protein Property Prediction Datasets
- `BetaLactamase` : protein sequences with activity labels
- `Fluorescence`: protein sequences with fitness labels
- `Stability`: protein sequences with stability labels
- `Solubility`: protein sequences with solubility labels
- `BinaryLocalization`: protein sequences with membrane-bound or soluble labels
- `SubcellularLocalization`: protein sequences with natural cell location labels
- `EnzymeCommission`: protein sequences and 3D structures with EC number labels for catalysis in biochemical reactions
- `GeneOntology`: protein sequences and 3D structures with GO term labels, including molecular function (MF), biological process (BP) and cellular component (CC)
- `AlphaFoldDB`: protein sequences and 3D structures predicted by AlphaFold

Protein Structure Prediction Datasets
- `Fold`: protein sequences and 3D structures with fold labels determined by the global structural topology
- `SecondaryStructure`: protein sequences and 3D structures with secondary structure labels determined by the local structures
- `ProteinNet`: protein sequences and 3D structures for the contact prediction task

Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction Datasets
- `HumanPPI`: protein sequences with binary interaction labels for human proteins
- `YeastPPI`: protein sequences with binary interaction labels for yeast proteins
- `PPIAffinity`: protein sequences with binding affinity values measured by $p_{K_d}$

Protein Ligand Interaction Prediction Datasets
- `BindingDB`: protein sequences and molecule graphs with binding affinity between pairs of protein and ligand
- `PDBBind`: protein sequences and molecule graphs with binding affinity between pairs of protein and ligand

Data Transform Modules

- `TruncateProtein`: truncate over long protein sequences into a fixed length
- `ProteinView`: convert proteins to a specific view

Graph Construction Layers

- `SubsequenceNode`: take a protein subsequence of a specific length
- `SubspaceNode`: extract a subgraph by only keeping neighboring nodes in a spatial ball for each centered node
- `RandomEdgeMask`: mask out some edges randomly from the protein graph


To help users gain a comprehensive understanding of TorchProtein, we recommend some user-friendly tutorials for its basic usage and examples to various protein-related tasks. These tutorials may also serve as boilerplate codes for users to develop their own applications.

- [Tutorial 1 - Protein Data Structure]( for basic usage of TorchProtein, like how to represent proteins and what operations are feasible.
- [Tutorial 2 - Sequence-based Protein Property Prediction]( for 5 types of protein sequence understanding tasks provided in TorchProtein.
- [Tutorial 3 - Structure-based Protein Property Prediction]( for property prediction tasks based on protein structure representations.
- [Tutorial 4 - Pre-trained Protein Structure Representations]( for self-supervised pre-training of protein structure encoders and its fine-tuning on downstream tasks.

Bug Fixes

- Fix an error in the decorator `utils.cached` (118)
- Fix an index error in `data.Graph.split()` (115)
- Fix setting attribute `node_feature` , `edge_feature` and `graph_feature` (116)
- Fix incorrect node feature shape for the synthon dataset `USPTO50k` (116)
- Fix a compatible issue when adding node/edge/graph reference and changing node/edge to atom/bond (116, 117)


The new 0.2.1 release supports PyTorch 2.0 and Python 3.10. We fix quite a few bugs based on the suggestions from the community. Thanks everyone for contributing to this library.

Compatibility Changes

- TorchDrug now supports Python versions from 3.7 to 3.10, and PyTorch versions from 1.8 to 2.0. There is no change in the minimal versions, so you can easily update your previous environment to use TorchDrug 0.2.1.
- For `PropertyPrediction` , we change the its `predict` function to directly output original values rather than standardized values. This is more intuitive for new users. Note this change is not backward compatible. (109, thanks to kanojikajino)


- Add batch normalization and dropout in `PropertyPrediction`
- Support custom edge feature function in `GraphConstruction`
- Support ESM-2 models in `EvolutionaryScaleModeling`
- Add full batch evaluation for `KnowledgeGraphCompletion`
- Support dict, list and tuple in config dict
- Add instructions for installation on Apple silicon (176, thanks to migalkin)
- Reduce dependency to `matplotlib-base` (141, thanks to jamesmyatt)

Bug Fixes

- Fix variable names in `NeuralLogicProgramming` (126)
- Fix interface for the new esm library (133)
- Fix the version of `AlphaFoldDB` to `v2` (137, thanks to ShoufaChen)
- Fix inconsistent output when using edge features in convolution layers (53, 140)
- Handle side cases in property optimization (125, thanks to jannisborn)
- Fix a bug when using LR schedulers (148, 152)
- Fix a bug in graph construction (158)
- Fix a bug in `layers.Set2Set` (185)
- Avoid in-place RDKit operations in `data.Molecule.from_molecule` (142)
- Fix `num_class` in PropertyPrediction (142)
- Fix docker file for new CUDA image (207, thanks to cscandore)
- Fix chain ID in `data.Protein.from_molecule`


- Deprecate `functional._size_to_index`. Use `torch.repeat_interleave` instead.


Such comprehensive encapsulation enables users to develop protein machine learning solutions with one easy-to-use library. It avoids the embarrassment of gluing multiple libraries into a pipeline.

With TorchProtein, we can rapidly prototype machine learning solutions to various protein applications within 20 lines of codes, and conduct ablation studies by substituting different parts of the solution with off-the-shelf modules. Furthermore, we can easily adapt these modules to our own needs, and make systematic analyses by comparing the new results to a benchmark provided in the library.

Additionally, TorchProtein is designed to be accessible to everyone. For inexperienced users, like beginners or biological researchers, TorchProtein provides [user-friendly APIs]( to simplify the development of protein machine learning solutions. Meanwhile, for professional users, TorchProtein also preserves enough flexibility to satisfy their demands, supported by features like modular design of the library and on-the-fly graph construction.

Main Features

Simplify Data Processing

- It is challenging to transform raw bioinformatic protein datasets into tensor formats for machine learning. To reduce tedious operations, TorchProtein provides us with a data structure `data.Protein` and its batched extension `data.PackedProtein` to automate the data processing step.
- `data.Protein` and `data.PackedProtein` automatically gather protein data from various bio-sources and seamlessly switch between data formats like pdb files, RDKit objects and sequences. Please see the section data structures and operations for transforming from and to sequences and RDKit objects.

construct a data.Protein instance from a pdb file
pdb_file = ...
protein = data.Protein.from_pdb(pdb_file, atom_feature="position", bond_feature="length", residue_feature="symbol")

write a data.Protein instance back to a pdb file
new_pdb_file = ...

Protein(num_atom=445, num_bond=916, num_residue=57)

- `data.Protein` and `data.PackedProtein` automatically pre-process all kinds of features of atoms, bonds and residues, by simply setting up several arguments.

pdb_file = ...
protein = data.Protein.from_pdb(pdb_file, atom_feature="position", bond_feature="length", residue_feature="symbol")


torch.Size([57, 21])
torch.Size([445, 3])
torch.Size([916, 1])

- `data.Protein` and `data.PackedProtein` automatically keeps track of numerous attributes associated with atoms, bonds, residues and the whole protein.
- For example, reference offers a way to register new attributes as node, edge or graph property, and in this way, the new attributes would automatically go along with the node, edge or graph themself. More in-built attributes are listed in the section data structures and operations.

protein = ...

with protein.node():
protein.node_id = torch.tensor([i for i in range(0, protein.num_node)])
with protein.edge():
protein.edge_cost = torch.rand(protein.num_edge)
with protein.graph():
protein.graph_feature = torch.randn(128)

- Even more, reference can be utilized to maintain the correspondence between two well related objects. For example, the mapping `atom2residue` maintains relationship between atoms and residues, and enables indexing on either of them.

protein = ...

create a mask indices for atoms in a glutamine (GLN)
is_glutamine = protein.residue_type[protein.atom2residue] == protein.residue2id["GLN"]
mask_indices = is_glutamine.nonzero().squeeze(-1)

map the masked atoms back to the glutamine residue
residue_type = protein.residue_type[protein.atom2residue[mask_indices]]
print([protein.id2residue[r] for r in residue_type.tolist()])

tensor([ 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311,
312, 313, 314, 315, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392])
['GLN', 'GLN', 'GLN', 'GLN', 'GLN', 'GLN', 'GLN', 'GLN', 'GLN', 'GLN', 'GLN', 'GLN', 'GLN', 'GLN', 'GLN', 'GLN', 'GLN', 'GLN', 'GLN', 'GLN', 'GLN', 'GLN', 'GLN', 'GLN', 'GLN', 'GLN', 'GLN']

- It is useful to augment protein data by modifying protein graphs or constructing new ones. With the protein operations and the graph construction layers provided in TorchProtein,
- we can easily modify proteins on the fly by batching, slicing sequences, masking out side chains, etc. Please see the tutorials for more details on masking.

pdb_file = ...
protein = data.Protein.from_pdb(pdb_file, atom_feature="position", bond_feature="length", residue_feature="symbol")

proteins = data.Protein.pack([protein, protein, protein])

slice sequences
use indexing to extract consecutive residues of a particular protein
two_residues = protein[[0,2]]

![two residues](asset/graph/residues.png)

- we can construct protein graphs on the fly with GPU acceleration, which offers users flexible choices rather than using fixed pre-processed graphs. Below is an example to build a graph with only alpha carbon atoms, please check tutorials for more cases, such as adding spatial / KNN / sequential edges.

protein = ...
transfer from CPU to GPU
protein = protein.cuda()

build a graph with only alpha carbon (CA) atoms
node_layers = [geometry.AlphaCarbonNode()]
graph_construction_model = layers.GraphConstruction(node_layers=node_layers)

original_protein = data.Protein.pack([protein])
CA_protein = graph_construction_model(_protein)
print("Graph before:", original_protein)
print("Graph after:", CA_protein)

Protein(num_atom=445, num_bond=916, num_residue=57, device='cuda:0')
Graph before: PackedProtein(batch_size=1, num_atoms=[2639], num_bonds=[5368], num_residues=[350])
Graph after: PackedProtein(batch_size=1, num_atoms=[350], num_bonds=[0], num_residues=[350])

Easy to Prototype Solutions

With TorchProtein, common protein tasks can be finished within 20 lines of codes, such as **sequence-based protein property prediction task**. Below is an example and more examples of different popular protein tasks and models can be found in Protein Tasks, Models and Tutorials.

import torch
from torchdrug import datasets, transforms, models, tasks, core

truncate_transform = transforms.TruncateProtein(max_length=200, random=False)
protein_view_transform = transforms.ProteinView(view="residue")
transform = transforms.Compose([truncate_transform, protein_view_transform])

dataset = datasets.BetaLactamase("~/protein-datasets/", residue_only=True, transform=transform)
train_set, valid_set, test_set = dataset.split()

model = models.ProteinCNN(input_dim=21,
hidden_dims=[1024, 1024],
kernel_size=5, padding=2, readout="max")

task = tasks.PropertyPrediction(model, task=dataset.tasks,
criterion="mse", metric=("mae", "rmse", "spearmanr"),
normalization=False, num_mlp_layer=2)

optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(task.parameters(), lr=1e-4)
solver = core.Engine(task, train_set, valid_set, test_set, optimizer,
gpus=[0], batch_size=64)



TorchDrug 0.1.3 release introduces new features like W&B intergration and index reference. It also provides new functions and metrics for common development need. Note 0.1.3 has some compatibility changes and be careful when you update your TorchDrug from an older version.

- W&B Integration
- Index Reference
- New Functions
- New Metrics
- Improvements
- Bug Fixes
- Compatibility Changes

W&B Integration

Tracking experiment progress is one of the most important demand from ML researchers and developers. For TorchDrug users, we provide a native integration of W&B platform. By adding only one argument in `core.Engine`, TorchDrug will automatically copy every hyperparameter and training log to your W&B database (thanks to manangoel99).

solver = core.Engine(task, train_set, valid_set, test_set, optimizer, logger="wandb")

Now you can track your training and validation performance in your browser, and compare them across different experiments.

![Wandb demo](asset/model/wandb_demo.png)

Index Reference

Maintaining node and edge attributes could be painful when one applies a lot of transformations to a graph. TorchDrug aims to eliminate such tedious steps by registering custom attributes. This update extends the capacity of custom attributes to index reference. That means, we allow attributes to refer to indexes of nodes, edges or graphs, and they will be automatically maintained in any graph operation.

To use index reference, simply add a context manager when we define the attributes.

with graph.edge(), graph.edge_reference():
graph.inv_edge_index = torch.tensor(inv_edge_index)

Foor more details on index reference, please take a look at [our notes]( Typical use cases include

- A pointer to the inverse edge of each edge.
- A pointer to the parent node of each node in a tree.
- A pointer to the incoming tree edge of each node in a DFS.

Let us know if you find more interesting usage of index reference!

New Functions

Message passing over line graphs is getting more and more popular in the recent years. This version provides `data.Graph.line_graph` to efficiently construct line graphs on GPUs. It supports both a single graph or a batch of graphs.

We are constantly focusing on better batching of irregular structures, and the variadic functions in TorchDrug are an efficient way to process batch of variadic-sized tensors without padding. This update introduces 3 new variadic functions.

- `variadic_meshgrid` generates a meshgrid from two variadic tensors. Useful for implementing pairwise operations.
- `variadic_to_padded` converts a variadic tensor to a padded tensor.
- `padded_to_variadic` converts a padded tensor to a variadic tensor.

New Metrics

New metrics include `accuracy`, `matthews_corrcoef`, `pearsonr`, `spearmanr`. All the metrics are the same as their counterparts in scipy, but they are implemented in PyTorch and support auto differentiation.


- Add `` (70, thanks to cthoyt)
- Extend `tasks.SynthonCompletion` for arbitrary atom features (62)
- Speed up lazy data loading (58, thanks to wconnell)
- Speed up rspmm cuda kernels
- Add docker support
- Add more documentation for `data.Graph` and `data.Molecule`

Bug Fixes

- Fix computation of output dimension in several GNNs (92, thanks to kanojikajino)
- Fix `data.PackedGraph.__getitem__` when the batch is empty (83, thanks to jannisborn)
- Fix patched modules for PyTorch>=1.6.0 (77)
- Fix `make_configurable` for `` (85)
- Fix `multi_slice_mask`, `variadic_max` for multi-dimensional input
- Fix `variadic_topk` for input containing infinite values

Compatibility Changes

TorchDrug now supports Python 3.7/3.8/3.9. Starting from this version, TorchDrug requires a minimal PyTorch version of 1.8.0 and a minimal RDKit version of 2020.09.

Argument `node_feature` and `edge_feature` are renamed to `atom_feature` and `bond_feature` in `data.Molecule.from_smiles` and `data.Molecule.from_molecule`. The old interface is still supported with deprecated warnings.

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