Initial Setup
- Created the initial structure of the `tornapi` library.
- Organized the project with directories and files for `client`, `endpoints`, `exceptions`, and `tests`.
- Added ``, `requirements.txt`, `LICENSE`, ``, and `` for package distribution and documentation.
API Client
- Implemented the `TornAPI` class.
- Enabled setting the API key during the initialization of the `TornAPI` client.
- Added a rate limiter to restrict the number of requests to 100 per minute by default.
- Allowed users to set a custom rate limit during initialization.
- Ensured thread safety in the rate-limiting mechanism using a lock.
- Implemented a method to make requests to the Torn API with error handling.
Exception Handling
- Created custom exceptions for handling API errors.
- Implemented `TornAPIError` to raise specific errors based on the API response status and content.
User Endpoint
- Added the `UserEndpoint` class to handle user-related API calls.
- Implemented methods for each user selection endpoint:
- `ammo`
- `attacks`
- `attacksfull`
- `bars`
- `basic`
- `battlestats`
- `bazaar`
- `cooldowns`
- `crimes`
- `discord`
- `display`
- `education`
- `equipment`
- `events`
- `gym`
- `hof`
- `honors`
- `icons`
- `inventory`
- `jobpoints`
- `log`
- `lookup`
- `medals`
- `merits`
- `messages`
- `missions`
- `money`
- `networth`
- `newevents`
- `newmessages`
- `notifications`
- `perks`
- `personalstats`
- `profile`
- `properties`
- `refills`
- `reports`
- `revives`
- `revivesfull`
- `skills`
- `stocks`
- `timestamp`
- `travel`
- `weaponexp`
- `workstats`
- Allowed methods to accept an optional `user_id` parameter to fetch data for other users.
Deprecation Handling
- Added a decorator for marking functions and classes as deprecated, which emits a warning when used.