This is a minor release which fixes a number of bugs and adds a couple of
small features. The most significant changes are the ability to add separators
to EnumEditor comboboxes, the ability to use Pyface action Schemas for menu bars
and toolbars in Views, and getting the VideoEditor working against the new
QtMultimedia APIs in Qt6.
Thanks To
* Aaron Ayres
* Mark Dickinson
* Rahul Poruri
* PyHannes
* Prabhu Ramachandran
* Ioannis Tziakos
* Corran Webster
* John Wiggins
* Hai Yan
* Separators in Combobox EnumEditors. (1885)
* Allow the use of Pyface Schemas for View menus and toolbars. (1827)
* Delay imports which force toolkit selection (1883)
* Fix ImageEditor paintEvent when image is None. (1907)
* Fix VideoEditor for Qt6 (1908)
* Fix the ImageEnumEditor on Qt5+ (1910)
* Fix some height and width calls for Qt and Python 3.10+ (1911)
* Fix a crash on PyQt5 when a Group has no content (1914)
* Numerous fixes for tests and CI (1897, 1893, 1889, 1894, 1898, 1899,
1990, 1902, 1903)
Documentation changes
* Add a copy button to code blocks in documentation (1904)