- Support for Python 3.6
- Package version is now automatically written into the :code:`trakt.version` module on :code:`python setup.py egg_info`
- :code:`__future__` imports for more consistent Python 3 compatibility
- :code:`SummaryMapper.episode` method now accepts the "parse_show" parameter
- Interfaces:
- :code:`Trakt['calendars']` (56)
- Dropped support for Python 3.2
- Cleaned up documentation
- Switched to pbr setup configuration
- Ordering of import statements has been updated to be more consistent
- Replaced usage of :code:`responses` in tests with :code:`httmock`
- Updated :code:`tox.ini` with additional test environments and flake8 plugins
- Improved the :code:`fixtures` directory structure
**Travis CI**
- Switched to using "tox-travis", instead of running pytest directly
- Releases are now automatically uploaded to PyPI and GitHub Releases