What's Changed * Enable the `run_async=False` option for the `InferenceClient`. by SangwonSUH in https://github.com/rtzr/tritony/pull/17 * auto-reload model_spec when Exception by kimdwkimdw in https://github.com/rtzr/tritony/pull/16 * remove too verbose log with tritonclient by kimdwkimdw in https://github.com/rtzr/tritony/pull/14
New Contributors * SangwonSUH made their first contribution in https://github.com/rtzr/tritony/pull/17
What's Changed * Add TritonModelInput with `optional` and `parameters` by kimdwkimdw in https://github.com/rtzr/tritony/pull/13 **Full Changelog**: https://github.com/rtzr/tritony/compare/v0.0.11...v0.0.12