- Organized package structure
- Fixed multiple installation issues
- Added GitHub Actions
How to release a new version
Upload to test PyPI
export VERSION=1.0.0
git checkout -b release-${VERSION}
git commit -am "Release ${VERSION}.rc0" --allow-empty
git tag ${VERSION}.rc0
make cleanall
make build
make upload-test
Create venv and install rc version
pip install --extra-index-url=https://test.pypi.org/simple 'tsne[test]'==${VERSION}rc0
pytest --pyargs tsne
Delete rc tag
git tag -d ${VERSION}.rc0
Merge branch when CI passes
Upload to PyPI
- Update `CHANGELOG.md`
- Update `README.md` and docs as needed
export VERSION=1.0.0
git commit -am "Release ${VERSION}" --allow-empty
git tag ${VERSION}
make cleanall
make build
make upload-pypi
git push origin ${VERSION}
git push