- Update implementation of objective function in configuration file. The objective funciton is now defined by providing the variable, scale, and type (minimize/maximize). Based on the type, the sign of the scal might change.
- The objective function is now fetched from the `results` structure. The variable must be on the form `key.column`, where `key` refer to a key in `results` (e.g. `overall`), and the column, refer to a column in the DataFrame contained in
- `results[key]` (e.g. `efficiency_ts`). The column will be an array, and the first element is used (for `overall`, all columns has one entry).
- Update implementation of constraints. Similarly as for the objective function, the constraint variable are now fethced from `results`, with the name `key.column`. An additional key is added to results: `additional_constraints`.
- This can contain variables that does not fit anywhere else in the results structure.
- A future idea is to restructure `results` to be an object, to have more control over the variables.