What's Changed
* simple test for some eval functions by recski in https://github.com/recski/tuw-nlp/pull/78
* refactoring of macro-avg calculation, fixed bug with floatfmt by recski in https://github.com/recski/tuw-nlp/pull/79
* Merge new graph formalisms by adaamko in https://github.com/recski/tuw-nlp/pull/82
* command line tool to run text_to_* semantic parsers by recski in https://github.com/recski/tuw-nlp/pull/83
* Fixing UCCA, DRG start by adaamko in https://github.com/recski/tuw-nlp/pull/84
* Text_to_drs and added missing dependencies by adaamko in https://github.com/recski/tuw-nlp/pull/85
* OIE first steps by recski in https://github.com/recski/tuw-nlp/pull/86
* Dev recski by recski in https://github.com/recski/tuw-nlp/pull/87
* Dev recski by recski in https://github.com/recski/tuw-nlp/pull/88
* option to call ndrs_service and get DRS graph from Neural_DRS system … by recski in https://github.com/recski/tuw-nlp/pull/89
* wrapper for nlp pipelines by recski in https://github.com/recski/tuw-nlp/pull/90
* Small changes by adaamko in https://github.com/recski/tuw-nlp/pull/92
* Dev by recski in https://github.com/recski/tuw-nlp/pull/91
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/recski/tuw-nlp/compare/v0.0.9...v0.1.0