Notable changes to the stubs since the last release:
- Update to Panda3D version 1.10.13
- Miscellaneous improvements to stubs for the `direct` package.
- Variadic parameters (i.e., `*args` or `**kwargs`) are now written as such in the stubs for the `panda3d` package.
- Some improvements to the stubs for `PointerToArray` classes.
- Utilizing updates to `interrogatedb` in Panda3D 1.10.13, C++ implicit type coercion is now more generally accounted for. A handful of cases (such as converting a number to a vector) are intentionally omitted, though.
- Also utilizing 1.10.13 additions, `__copy__` and `__deepcopy__` methods are now included in the `panda3d` stubs.
- An empty `NodePath` (specifically, one constructed as `NodePath()`) is now typed as `NodePath[typing.Never]`. This means, for example, that a type-checker will flag `NodePath().node()` as not returning, matching runtime behavior.
- All `assign` methods are now typed as returning the same type as `self`.
In addition to the changes to the stubs, numerous improvements have been made to the code that generates stubs for the `panda3d` package (i.e., the C++ part of Panda3D).