- Various improvement in J2534 module (credit kirya-dev ). See 248
- Made Close device after Discconnect. Previously, cant reconnect to the device (ERR_DEVICE_IN_USE).
- Avoid debug log after error log.
- Raising abnormal exception around connection to the J2534 device.
- Fix error J2534 Error: CAN_ID_BOTH and CAN_29BIT_ID are the only valid ConnectFlags according J2534 standard.
- Fix error Parameter pInput must be NULL.
- Add read_vbatt for j2534 connection
- Avoid extra access to DLL (log_last_operation)
- Fix PassThruStartMsgFilter for any interfaces according standard (Sets 0xCCCC_CCCC as a stub. Devices like OpenPoprt and Pulsar are not receiving messages correctly)