- Change license from LGPL to MPL 2.0.
- Fix problem in external tagger, which was unusable.
- Add support for OS X 10.7 and later.
- Support compilation on Visual Studio 2015.
- Add C bindings.
- Add REST server using MicroRestD http://github.com/ufal/microrestd.
- Start using Semantic Versioning http://semver.org/.
- Remove support for shared library build.
- Use C++ Builtem http://github.com/ufal/cpp_builtem as build system.
- Use embedded version of MorphoDiTa instead of using GIT submodule.
- Use upstream version of C++ Utils http://github.com/ufal/cpp_utils.
- Use upstream version of Unilib http://github.com/ufal/unilib.
- Use PyTypeObject in Python bindings instead of proxy classes.
- Use C++ iostreams instead of C stdio.
- Use t2t_docsys http://github.com/ufal/t2t_docsys as documentation system.