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Apple chips provide several functional units capable of high-throughput matrix multiplication and AI inference. Those `computeUnits` include the CPU, GPU, and the Apple Neural Engine (__ANE__). A user may naively hope that any typical architecture, like BERT or ViT, should work fine on all of those chips in any of the common quantization forms, like switching from `f32` single-precision to `bf16` and `f16` half-precision floats or `i8` and `u8` integers. That is not the case. Of all the backends that UForm has been tested on, quantizing the entire model for CoreML was the most challenging task, and Apple became the only platform where we distribute the models in the original precision, which is a pity given a fleet of 2 billion potential target devices running iOS worldwide, almost all of which are in the countries and language groups natively supported by UForm multimodal multilingual embeddings.

When using unum-cloud UForm models in Swift, we pass `computeUnits: .all` to let Apple's scheduler choose the target device itself and treat it as a black-box optimization. However, a better way to do this is if you can explicitly provide models tuned for the Apple Neural Engine. So, together with our friends from TheStageAI, we've quantized our models to map perfectly to ANE-supported operations with minimal loss in precision, __reducing the model size by 2-4x__ and __accelerating inference up to 5x__:

| Model | GPU Text E. | ANE Text E. | GPU Image E. | ANE Image E. |
| :------------------ | ----------: | ----------: | -----------: | -----------: |
| `english-small` | 2.53 ms | 0.53 ms | 6.57 ms | 1.23 ms |
| `english-base` | 2.54 ms | 0.61 ms | 18.90 ms | 3.79 ms |
| `english-large` | 2.30 ms | 0.61 ms | 79.68 ms | 20.94 ms |
| `multilingual-base` | 2.34 ms | 0.50 ms | 18.98 ms | 3.77 ms |

> On Apple M4 iPad, running iOS 18.2. The batch size is 1, and the model is pre-loaded into memory. The original encoders use `f32` single-precision numbers for maximum compatibility and mostly rely on __GPU__ for computation. The quantized encoders use a mixture of `i8`, `f16`, and `f32` numbers for maximum performance and mostly rely on the Apple Neural Engine (__ANE__) for computation. The median latency is reported.


To use them in Swift, check out the docs at [unum-cloud.github.io/uform/swift/](https://unum-cloud.github.io/uform/swift/) or the [SwiftSemanticSearch](https://github.com/ashvardanian/SwiftSemanticSearch) repository for an integrated example with [USearch](https://github.com/unum-cloud/usearch).

Thanks to ArnoldMSU, b1n0, Aydarkhan, AndreyAgeev from [TheStage.ai](https://TheStage.ai) for help 👏



[3.0.2](https://github.com/unum-cloud/uform/compare/v3.0.1...v3.0.2) (2024-04-25)


* Change NPM name ([e97977e](https://github.com/unum-cloud/uform/commit/e97977e1fd82669f47cb0972a61c2a58e0f928a4))


[3.0.1](https://github.com/unum-cloud/uform/compare/v3.0.0...v3.0.1) (2024-04-25)


* Upgrade CI ([83fc71a](https://github.com/unum-cloud/uform/commit/83fc71a16250c0ae9a1e8bccd414aa746b6139f6))


Multimodal Embeddings for JavaScript, Swift, and Python

How many AI models can run on-device out of the box? UForm multimodal embeddings can 🥳

| Model | Parameters | Languages | Architecture |
| :-------------------------------------------------- | ---------: | --------: | -------------------------------------------: |
| [`uform3-image-text-english-large`][model-e-l] 🆕 | 365M | 1 | 6 text layers, ViT-L/14, 6 multimodal layers |
| [`uform3-image-text-english-base`][model-e-b] | 143M | 1 | 2 text layers, ViT-B/16, 2 multimodal layers |
| [`uform3-image-text-english-small`][model-e-s] 🆕 | 79M | 1 | 2 text layers, ViT-S/16, 2 multimodal layers |
| [`uform3-image-text-multilingual-base`][model-m] | 206M | 21 | 8 text layers, ViT-B/16, 4 multimodal layers |

[model-e-l]: https://huggingface.co/unum-cloud/uform3-image-text-english-large
[model-e-b]: https://huggingface.co/unum-cloud/uform3-image-text-english-base
[model-e-s]: https://huggingface.co/unum-cloud/uform3-image-text-english-small
[model-m]: https://huggingface.co/unum-cloud/uform3-image-text-multilingual-base


Load the models and preprocessors for different modalities:

import { getModel, Modality, TextProcessor, TextEncoder, ImageEncoder, ImageProcessor } from 'unum-cloud/uform';

const { configPath, modalityPaths, tokenizerPath } = await getModel({
modelId: 'unum-cloud/uform3-image-text-english-small',
modalities: [Modality.TextEncoder, Modality.ImageEncoder],

Embed images:

const imageProcessor = new ImageProcessor(configPath);
await imageProcessor.init();
const processedImages = await imageProcessor.process("path/to/image.png");

const imageEncoder = new ImageEncoder(modalityPaths.image_encoder, imageProcessor);
await imageEncoder.init();
const imageOutput = await imageEncoder.encode(processedImages);
assert(imageOutput.embeddings.dims.length === 2, "Output should be 2D");

Embed queries:

const textProcessor = new TextProcessor(configPath, tokenizerPath);
await textProcessor.init();
const processedTexts = await textProcessor.process("a small red panda in a zoo");

const textEncoder = new TextEncoder(modalityPaths.text_encoder, textProcessor);
await textEncoder.init();
const textOutput = await textEncoder.encode(processedTexts);
assert(textOutput.embeddings.dims.length === 2, "Output should be 2D");
await textEncoder.dispose();


Embed images:

let imageModel = try await ImageEncoder(modelName: "unum-cloud/uform3-image-text-english-small")
let imageURL = "https://github.com/ashvardanian/ashvardanian/blob/master/demos/bbq-on-beach.jpg?raw=true"
guard let url = URL(string: imageURL),
let imageSource = CGImageSourceCreateWithURL(url as CFURL, nil),
let cgImage = CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(imageSource, 0, nil) {
throw Exception("Could not load image from URL: \(imageURL)")

var imageEmbedding: Embedding = try imageModel.encode(cgImage)
var imageVector: [Float32] = embedding.asFloats()

Embed queries:

let textModel = try await TextEncoder(modelName: "unum-cloud/uform3-image-text-english-small")
let text = "A group of friends enjoy a barbecue on a sandy beach, with one person grilling over a large black grill, while the other sits nearby, laughing and enjoying the camaraderie."
let textEmbedding: Embedding = try textModel.encode(text)
let textVector: [Float32] = textEmbedding.asFloats()


Load model:

from uform import get_model, Modality

model_name = 'unum-cloud/uform3-image-text-english-small'
modalities = [Modality.TEXT_ENCODER, Modality.IMAGE_ENCODER]
processors, models = get_model(model_name, modalities=modalities)

Embed images:

import requests
from io import BytesIO
from PIL import Image

image_url = 'https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/1b/28/6b/53/lovely-armenia.jpg'
image = Image.open(BytesIO(requests.get(image_url).content))

processor_image = processors[Modality.IMAGE_ENCODER]
model_image = models[Modality.IMAGE_ENCODER]
image_data = processor_image(image)
image_features, image_embedding = model_image.encode(image_data, return_features=True)

Embed queries:

text = 'a cityscape bathed in the warm glow of the sun, with varied architecture and a towering, snow-capped mountain rising majestically in the background'

model_text = models[Modality.TEXT_ENCODER]
processor_text = processors[Modality.TEXT_ENCODER]

text_data = processor_text(text)
text_features, text_embedding = model_text.encode(text_data, return_features=True)


Thanks to xenova and sroussey for help with JavaScript!
Thanks to vmanot and pcuenca for their work on Swift!

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