Changed * Signals to input to mapping classes are now normalised before fitting, then M0 rescaled back to the original scale. This means M0 bounds and initialisation are more consistent/appropriate for data from different vendors 226 * The limits of efficiency have been widened for MOLLI T1 mapping 229 * Upgrade codecov action to v4
Added * Export the fit signals from mapping functions e.g. the expected T1 recovery at times TI given the fit values of T1 and M0. 221 * Warnings if there aren't many negative values in T1 mapping data. 222 223 * `get_fit_signal` methods have been added to most mapping classes to allow the user to get the fit signal at a given time point.
Fixed * Issue where resources sub-module was not included on PyPI
Changed * T1 mapping data is now assumed to have been magnitude corrected if the first percentile of the first inversion time is negative rather than the minimum value. This should make it more robust to noise/preprocessing artefacts. 222 223
Added * B1 rescaling as function and default output of StimFit 218
Changed * `ukat` is now tested on MacOS 219
Fixed * DWI mask export bug 217
Added * T2StimFit - A method of accounting for stimulated echoes when performing T2 mapping 207, 209 * R-Squared values for curve fitting maps 198 205 * New PR template for releases 205 210
Changed * `ukat` is now tested against Python 3.11 * Dependencies are now a little less strict for some packages
Fixed * Mapping should now scale better over large images/multiple cores 165 205 * Quite a lot of PEP8 formatting issues
Added * Number of downloads badge to readme
Changed * Lots of dependencies have been updated to their latest versions 203 * Dependencies are now set to be compatible versions (~=) rather than greater than a specific version (>=) 203
Fixed * MTR outputs are now squeezed to remove bonus dimensions 202
Added * Python 3.10 is now supported.
Changed * Increased upper bounds of M0 in T1, T2 and T2* exponential fit. 196 199 * B0 mask now keeps True voxels rather than False voxels, making it align with the rest of UKAT. 194 195