- First release after updates to support HSC internal release `DR3`, which include new
reruns for `S19A` and `S20A` releases. `DR1` becomes unavailable now.
- Fix a problem related to how `astropy.fits.open()` handle password protected files. Now
pass the `urllib.request.urlopen(url)` object to it instead of the URL itself.
- Fix a few Python warnings including:
- Changes `is not` to `!=`
- Make a copy of certain `matplotlib` colormap before modifying it.
- Fix a small typo related to image cutout (by Christopher Bradshaw)
- Implementing version management by `setuptools_scm` here, and adding a travis CI script
to just check that all dependencies install correctly, and upload the package to `PyPi`
in case of a new version (by Francois Lanusse)
- Add a new demo notebook to compare the differences in coadd image between `DR2` and