Minor upgrades and an improved database file handling system. All db files are now created in `~/.unassigner/` by default. The `--db_dir` option can set this to a non-default location. The `--type_strain_fasta` option is still available to override this but is deprecated.
What's Changed
* Upgrade docs for commands by Ulthran in https://github.com/PennChopMicrobiomeProgram/unassigner/pull/35
* Replace pairwise2 with PairwiseAligner by Ulthran in https://github.com/PennChopMicrobiomeProgram/unassigner/pull/37
* Put all db files in .unassigner/ by default by Ulthran in https://github.com/PennChopMicrobiomeProgram/unassigner/pull/40
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/PennChopMicrobiomeProgram/unassigner/compare/1.0.2...1.1.0