What's Changed
* Fix lazy_load_meshes typo in README.md by hello-binit in https://github.com/fishbotics/urchin/pull/13
* Lianghongzhuo/main by fishbotics in https://github.com/fishbotics/urchin/pull/15
* Made it easier to extend classes by improving constructors by fishbotics in https://github.com/fishbotics/urchin/pull/16
* Switched to pyribbit instead of pyrender by fishbotics in https://github.com/fishbotics/urchin/pull/17
* Removed staticmethods and replaced with classmethods to preserve inhe… by fishbotics in https://github.com/fishbotics/urchin/pull/18
* Fix export of color in material that is not child of robot tag by traversaro in https://github.com/fishbotics/urchin/pull/22
* Bump version to 0.0.29 by traversaro in https://github.com/fishbotics/urchin/pull/23
New Contributors
* hello-binit made their first contribution in https://github.com/fishbotics/urchin/pull/13
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/fishbotics/urchin/compare/v0.0.28...v0.0.29