What's Changed
* Updated README to cover conda-forge installation by owenlamont in https://github.com/owenlamont/uv-secure/pull/39
* Direct dependency filters by owenlamont in https://github.com/owenlamont/uv-secure/pull/40
Breaking Changes
The follow config file options:
* ignore_vulnerabilities
* aliases
* desc
Have been moved down one level in the configuration hierarchy under the `vulnerability_criteria` section, so if you had a pyproject.toml file like this:
ignore_vulnerabilities = ["VULN-123"]
aliases = true
desc = true
update it to this:
ignore_vulnerabilities = ["VULN-123"]
aliases = true
desc = true
or if you have a .uv-secure.toml / uv-secure.toml file like this:
ignore_vulnerabilities = ["VULN-123"]
aliases = true Defaults to false
desc = true Defaults to false
update it to this:
ignore_vulnerabilities = ["VULN-123"]
aliases = true Defaults to false
desc = true Defaults to false
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/owenlamont/uv-secure/compare/0.8.1...0.9.0