**Fixes** the following bugs: - on some systems, a default encoding differing from `utf-8` would cause the installation to fail (34) - numpy v1.16.3 introduced `allow_pickle=False` by default in `numpy.load`. Setting it to `True` manually, to ensure `npz` files containing uvtables can be read (36).
Minor **bugfix** to preserve the `UVTtable.header` attribute when applying `uvcut` or `deproject`.
New: - add support for Python **3.7** - add `UVTable.freqs_avg` float containing the average frequency of all the stored uvpoints. - add `UVTable.freqs_wrt_avg` array containing the frequency of all the stored uvpoints normalised to the average frequency. Useful for spectral extrapolations.
Bugfix: - `UVTable` object: fix the conversion of `u`, `v` coordinates from the observing wavelength (stored in `UVTable.u`, `UVTable.v`) to meters (stored in `UVTable.u_m`, `UVTable.v_m`).
- `UVTable` object now supports binary (numpy .npz) uv tables. - `UVTable` object now has new attributes: `u_m`, `v_m`, `V` - Definition of COLUMNS formats with mapping of columns (e.g., 'u', 'v', 'Re', ...)
- `export_uvtable`: allow export of multiple channels (`channel=all`) or the first channel (`channel=first`)
Improvements: - `export_uvtable`: more detailed docs; fixed some inaccuracies - README: added example on how to export visibilities