* fixed cleaning function to clean old certificates
- Fix error output for non existing certificate key in vault - update testing environment - removed python 2.7 tests - removed python 2.7 specific builds - added new test - migrate from `auth_approle` to new method `auth.approle.login`
Breaking Changes !
There is Breaking changes in HVAC v 0.10.1 (actual version is 0.10.5)
* changed requirements for this project (older versions of HVAC are not supported now) * minor changes in code `scripts/vault-certificate-issue-deploy`
HVAC in version 0.10.1 has major changes which breaks program
* BUG: Fixed mount point in pki.generate_certificate call * BUG: Fixed chowning directories in some situations * BUG: not all libraries included in package * Automation tests on various version of python * Automatic publish