Write declarative layouts in Python, today! Now with cleaner interfaces that work out of the box. đ
pip install vdom
This cleans up probably the biggest misstep we could have made when starting this which was making a function called `createElement` that doesn't actually create the VDOM Element. It creates something more similar to creating a component which can create elements later (it's a factory...).
`createElement` is deprecated in favor of `createComponent`. We kept it backwards compatible with the last release (0.2), keeping it in for now (it's only been a week, but we might as well be kind).
That being said, there are some niftier helpers you may like better! See below for more.
New Functions
`createComponent` is exactly the same as what `createElement` did before, with a better name.
>>> marquee = createComponent('marquee')
>>> marquee('woohoo')
> Wait, did you pick a single letter for a function?
Yes, yes we did. Ok, it's not us. This comes by way of [`preact`](https://github.com/developit/preact#rendering-jsx) and [`hyperscript`](https://github.com/hyperhype/hyperscript), allowing you to write condense `React.createElement` style writing:
>>> h('div', [h('p', 'hey')])
We don't have JSX in Python, so this is the closest we can really get. :wink:
The `h1`, `img`, and other HTML elements are still created here, they're left alone for backwards compatibility. These were put in to be similar to [hyperscript-helpers](https://github.com/ohanhi/hyperscript-helpers).
Bug fix
Prior to this, you had to wrap VDOMEls in a call to `VDOM()`. That's no more, as VDOMElements provide the repr properly now:
<img width="777" alt="screen shot 2017-09-22 at 8 11 32 am" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/836375/30751283-bb599302-9f6d-11e7-918b-318e95739034.png">