* [*] Added six as a dependency * [*] Reverted changes made in 0.9.4. Web interface needs a fix instead
* [*] Fixed exception when survey timestamps are float (e.g. 730.0)
* [+] Added support for Python 3
* [+] Add __getitem__ container method to Deployments section. (This allows one to obtain a deployment by index: deployment = scenario.interventions.human.deployments[1])
==== * [+] Setters for vaccine intervention attributes. * [+] Ability to overwrite Deployment attributes. * [+] Ability to overwrite <deployment>s for human interventions. * [+] Ability to delete individual components of a deployment. * [+] Ability to delete individual interventions. * [+] Ability to remove <interventions> subsections by name. * [+] Support for <importedInfections> section in <interventions>. * [*] Deployment 'name' attribute is now optional when adding <deployment>s.
==== * [+] Ability to add/update intervention sections (vectorPop, human). * [+] Ability to add/update intervention subsections and attributes. * [*] Added missing property setters for relevant intervention subsections. * [*] Documentation links updated.