What's Changed
* Vessim now exposes all classes and utility methods on top-level. We recommend importing vessim as `import vessim as vs` (similar to `import pandas as pd`) to be able to then reference components via e.g. `vs.Environment` https://github.com/dos-group/vessim/pull/210
* The co-simulation infrastructure was updated to ensure the correct order of simulator execution and allow setting storage/policy parameters through `self.set_parameters`. The storage API now uses Wh instead of Ws, and `SimpleBattery` `SOC` and `min_SOC` are now robust against floating point operations https://github.com/dos-group/vessim/pull/213
* Changed the Actor-Signal Interface: The `Actor` class is not an abstract base class anymore and uses a Signal to define its behavior. This replaces the need for many custom implementations like the old `Generator` and `PowerMeter` classes and allows for more flexibility as most functionality can be defined through a Signal. Custom Actors are now to be subclassed from `ActorBase` https://github.com/dos-group/vessim/pull/211
* Simulator names are now properly logged to allow for better identification in logging https://github.com/dos-group/vessim/pull/216
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/dos-group/vessim/compare/0.6.0...0.7.0