- Added python-clint RPM spec for CentOS 6 (2). - Added python-packaging as a dependency to RPM spec file (5). - Added newline to the end of JSON metadata (10). - Fixed error with a RPM package group (5). - Fixed dependency problem with an PIP during installation (6). - Improved documentation with an NGINX configuration guide (3). - Improved SHA1 hash function in favor of more secure SHA256 (4).
- Added doc strings to functions. - Added codebeat badge. - Added `URL` field to `list` command output. - Added Docker Composer manifest. - Added `--name` option to `list` command. - Refactored source tree and simplified code. - Removed `kill` command.
- Added commands `add`, `list`, `delete` and `kill` to operate images. - Added RPM spec. - Added Dockerfile to run a repository server based on NGINX. - Added `tox` environments which uses `flake8` for syntax checks. - Added `setuptools` configuration file.