Bug fix: * Switches from `tweepy` to `twython` because [an issue](https://github.com/tweepy/tweepy/issues/576) that can unexpectedly disconnect a stream is not resolved in the PyPI version of `tweepy`. `twython` is also (more?) actively maintained.
Bug fix: * Keywords and handles are no longer sensitive to case in rule specifications
Bug fix: * Removes status messages that were used to debug trading code
Bug fix: * Corrects case of Vickicryptobot in default rules; previous versions had not been responsive to any of Vickicryptobot's tweets because of case sensitivity in handle specification
Feature additions: * `stop` and `limit` orders now permitted * A rule can now accommodate many `orders` * `price`, `funds`, and `size` from an order may now refer to `{inside_bid}` and `{inside_ask}` from product order book
Features: * Encrypts Twitter/GDAX credentials before storing them on disk * Accepts rules file giving action (buy, sell) to perform on encountering a tweet satisfying user-specified criteria